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193 results found

Inferior adrenal artery

The inferior adrenal (suprarenal) artery is one of three adrenal arteries that supplies the adrenal gland. Gross anatomy Origin Ipsilateral renal artery (usually before the terminal division of the renal artery) Location The course of the inferior suprarenal artery depends on its origin. Re...

Ductus deferens

The ductus deferens (plural: ductus deferentes), formerly known as the vas deferens (plural: vasa deferentia), forms part of the male internal genitalia where it transports sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct. Terminology In modern anatomic nomenclature, it is no longer referred ...

Isthmus (disambiguation)

Isthmus (plural: isthmi) is an anatomical term and refers to a slender structure joining two larger components. Some of these uses of the word isthmus are now rarely used or only seen in older texts and articles: isthmus (aorta) isthmus (auditory tube) isthmus (auricle of the ear) isthmus (c...

Pancake kidney

Pancake kidney (also known as discoid kidney, disc kidney, lump kidney, fused pelvic kidney or cake kidney) is a rare renal fusion anomaly of the kidneys of the crossed fused variety. Clinical presentation Pancake kidney may be an incidental finding. However, they can present clinically becaus...

Supernumerary kidney

Supernumerary kidneys, also known as accessory kidneys, are a rare congenital anomaly of the urogenital system, where there are one or two additional kidneys. Epidemiology Less than 100 cases have been documented in the medical literature. Associations Many conditions have been found to be a...

Paravesical space

The paravesical spaces are paired avascular spaces of the pelvis. The paravesical spaces generally contain fat, but can become filled with ascites, blood, or other substances during pathological processes. Gross anatomy Boundaries superior: lateral umbilical folds inferior: pubocervical fasc...

Ejaculatory pathway of sperm (mnemonic)

A useful mnemonic to remember the ejaculatory pathway of sperm is: SEVEN UP Mnemonic S: seminiferous tubules of the testes E: epididymis V: ductus deferens E: ejaculatory duct N: nothing U: urethra P: penis

Fossa navicularis (urethra)

The fossa navicularis refers to a normal mild dilatation of the urethra. It occurs at the most distal/downstream portion of the urethra. It is more evident in males, where it occurs in the penile/pendulous urethra, near the urethral meatus. There is also a fossa navicularis in women: the more f...

Renal sinus

The renal sinus is a fat-filled compartment of the kidney. Gross anatomy The renal sinus is a fatty compartment located within the medial aspect of the kidney. It communicates with the perinephric space. It contains the renal hilum and is bordered by renal parenchyma laterally.  Contents ren...


The penis (plural: penises or, rarely, penes) is the external midline urinary and reproductive structure of the male urogenital system. Please note that as per standard anatomic position, the penis is described with the flaccid phallus against the anterior abdominal wall, the dorsal surface con...

Fallopian (disambiguation)

The eponym fallopian may refer to: fallopian canal (facial nerve canal) fallopian tube (uterine duct) fallopian ligament (inguinal ligament) History and etymology It is named after Gabriele Falloppio (also known by his Latin name Fallopius), Italian anatomist (1523-1562). Despite the eponym...

Adrenal arteries

The adrenal glands are highly vascular. Threefold arterial supply includes the:  superior adrenal arteries: typically 6-8 in number, arising from the ipsilateral inferior phrenic artery middle adrenal artery: one or more, arising from lateral side of abdominal aorta inferior adrenal artery: o...

Perineal body

The perineal body, also known as the central tendon of the perineum, (TA: corpus perineale) is a key midline fibromuscular structure, with important muscular attachments, which acts to stabilize the structures of the pelvis and perineum. It is located between the anal canal and the vagina, or in...


The perineum is a diamond-shaped region below the pelvic diaphragm and is divided by an imaginary line drawn between the ischial tuberosities into anteriorly the urogenital triangle and posteriorly the anal triangle. Gross anatomy The perineum is bounded by the pubis anteriorly, the ischial tu...

Deep artery of the penis

The deep artery of the penis, also known as cavernosal artery, is one of the two terminal branches of the internal pudendal artery. Gross anatomy Origin The internal pudendal artery bifurcates terminally into the deep artery of the penis and the dorsal artery of the penis at the anterior marg...

Dorsal artery of the penis

The dorsal artery of the penis is one of the two terminal branches of the internal pudendal artery.  Gross anatomy Origin The internal pudendal artery bifurcates into the deep artery of the penis and the dorsal artery of the penis at the anterior margin of the perineal membrane 1. Terminatio...

Wolffian duct

The Wolffian duct (also known as the mesonephric duct) is one of the paired embryogenic tubules that drain the primitive kidney (mesonephros) to the cloaca. It also gives off a lateral branch forming the ureteric bud. In both the male and the female, the Wolffian duct develops into the trigone o...


The prostate gland is the largest accessory gland of the male reproductive system. In adults, it typically weighs ~40 grams and has an average size of 3 x 4 x 2 cm 15. On imaging, the upper limit of normal is considered to be 30 mL 16. The prostate comprises 70% glandular tissue and 30% fibromus...

H and M lines (pelvic floor)

The H and M lines are reference lines for the pelvic floor on imaging studies and help detect and grade pelvic floor prolapse on defecography studies. The H line is drawn from the inferior margin of the pubic symphysis to the posterior aspect of the anorectal junction, and represents the diamet...

Abdominal and pelvic anatomy

Abdominal and pelvic anatomy encompasses the anatomy of all structures of the abdominal and pelvic cavities. This anatomy section promotes the use of the Terminologia Anatomica, the international standard of anatomical nomenclature. 

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