Bayonet deformity (wrist)

Changed by Tim Luijkx, 15 Dec 2015

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The bayonetBayonet deformity is a term used to describe the shape of wrist in certain conditions:

  • -<p>The <strong>bayonet deformity</strong> is a term used to describe the shape of wrist in certain conditions:</p><ul>
  • +<p><strong>Bayonet deformity</strong> is a term used to describe the shape of wrist in certain conditions:</p><ul>
  • -<a href="/articles/hereditary-multiple-exostoses">hereditary Multiple Exostosis</a> with pseudo Madelung deformity<ul><li>retarded bone growth of the distal ulna with outward bowing of radius with distal radioulnar joint subluxation</li></ul>
  • +<a href="/articles/hereditary-multiple-exostoses">hereditary m</a><a href="/articles/hereditary-multiple-exostoses">ultiple exostosis</a> with pseudo-Madelung deformity<ul><li>retarded bone growth of the distal ulna with outward bowing of radius with distal radioulnar joint subluxation</li></ul>

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