Cuneiform cartilage

Changed by Francis Fortin, 15 Feb 2018

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The cuneiform cartilage is a small, paired cartilage which resides in the aryepiglottic fold. It takes the form of a club-like nodule, visible as an elevation beneath the mucosa anterosuperior(the cuneiform tubercle) anterosuperior to the corniculate cartilages.

History and Etymology

The word cuneiform derives from the latin cuneus, meaning 'wedge'"wedge".

  • -<p>The <strong>cuneiform cartilage </strong>is a small, paired cartilage which resides in the <a href="/articles/aryepiglottic-folds">aryepiglottic fold</a>. It takes the form of a club-like nodule, visible as an elevation beneath the mucosa anterosuperior to the <a href="/articles/corniculate-cartilage">corniculate cartilages</a>. </p><p> </p><h5>History and Etymology</h5><p>The word cuneiform derives from the latin <em>cuneus</em>, meaning 'wedge'.</p>
  • +<p>The <strong>cuneiform cartilage </strong>is a small, paired cartilage which resides in the <a href="/articles/aryepiglottic-folds">aryepiglottic fold</a>. It takes the form of a club-like nodule, visible as an elevation beneath the mucosa (the cuneiform tubercle) anterosuperior to the <a href="/articles/corniculate-cartilage">corniculate cartilages</a>.</p><h5>History and Etymology</h5><p>The word cuneiform derives from the latin <em>cuneus</em>, meaning "wedge".</p>

References changed:

  • 1. Susan Standring. Gray's Anatomy, 40th ed. (2008) <a href="">ISBN: 9780443066849</a><span class="ref_v4"></span>
  • 1. Susan Standring. Gray's Anatomy. ISBN: 9780443066849

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