Cuneonavicular joint

Last revised by Henry Knipe on 7 Jul 2023

The cuneonavicular joint connects the navicular and the three cuneiform bones, playing a pivotal role in maintaining body balance and facilitating locomotion.

The cuneonavicular joint forms the syndesmosis between the navicular and cuneiform bones, enabling slight movements.

The joint displays slight gliding and rotatory movements. Its mobility depends on the interaction of the fibularis longus and brevis, and the anterior and posterior tibialis. Additionally, the stretched flexors and extensors present in the toes also contribute to these movements.

Three fundamental ligaments form connections with the bone - the dorsal, plantar, and interosseous ligaments. The interosseous ligament links the non-articular regions of bones, while both the dorsal and plantar ligaments constitute the three transverse bands stretched between the medial cuneiform, lateral cuneiform, and cuboid bones.

Blood supply to the cuneonavicular joint is provided by the dorsal pedis and posterior tibial arteries of the foot. These arteries further subdivide into several medial and plantar extensions, forming the arches and contributing to the overall blood supply.

The venous drainage of the cuneonavicular joint is primarily managed by the dorsal venous arch and the plantar venous arch, draining into the great and small saphenous veins respectively.

The popliteal lymph nodes primarily contribute to lymph drainage in these joints. These nodes receive lymphatic fluid from the joints and merge to form deep and superficial inguinal lymph nodes.

Innervation to the cuneonavicular joint is carried out by the deep fibular nerve, medial plantar nerve, and lateral plantar nerves.

Although dislocations in this joint are relatively rare; midfoot dislocations are most commonly seen in the tarsometatarsal joint.

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