Duret hemorrhage

Changed by Henry Knipe, 24 Nov 2014

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Duret haemorrhage is a small haemorrhage (or multiple haemorrhages) seen in the medulla or pons of patients who are rapidly herniating


Supratentorial haemorrhage causes the brainstem and mesial temporal lobes to be forced downwards through the tentorial hiatus. As a result of this shift it is believed that perforating branches from the basilar artery and/or draining veins are damaged with resultant parenchymal haemorrhage. Usually it is seen in patients with severe herniation for 12-24 hours prior to death 2.

Radiographic features

The classical appearance of a duret haemorrhage is one located in the midline near the pontomesencephalic junction. Often however, these haemorrhages can be multiple or even extend into the cerebellar peduncles.

Differential diagnosis

  • primary hypertensive brain stembrainstem haemorrhage
    • usually larger
    • mid pons
    • absence of herniation initially (although hydrocephalus may well develop)
  • brainstem contusion/diffuse axonal injury
    • dorsal midbrain (tectum and periaqueductal grey matter)
    • usually multifocal and smaller

History and etymology

Described by R L Duret in 1955 4.

  • -<p><strong>Duret haemorrhage</strong> is a small haemorrhage (or multiple haemorrhages) seen in the medulla or pons of patients who are rapidly <a href="/articles/cerebral-herniation">herniating</a>. </p><h4>Pathophysiology</h4><p>Supratentorial haemorrhage causes the <a href="/articles/brainstem">brainstem</a> and mesial temporal lobes to be forced downwards through the tentorial hiatus. As a result of this shift it is believed that perforating branches from the <a href="/articles/basilar-artery">basilar artery</a> and/or draining veins are damaged with resultant parenchymal haemorrhage. Usually it is seen in patients with severe herniation for 12-24 hours prior to death <sup>2</sup>.</p><h4>Radiographic features</h4><p>The classical appearance of a duret haemorrhage is one located in the midline near the pontomesencephalic junction. Often however, these haemorrhages can be multiple or even extend into the cerebellar peduncles.</p><h4>Differential diagnosis</h4><ul>
  • -<li>primary hypertensive brain stem haemorrhage<ul>
  • +<p><strong>Duret haemorrhage</strong> is a small haemorrhage (or multiple haemorrhages) seen in the <a title="Medulla oblongata" href="/articles/medulla-oblongata">medulla</a> or <a title="Pons" href="/articles/pons">pons</a> of patients who are rapidly <a href="/articles/cerebral-herniation">herniating</a>. </p><h4>Pathology</h4><p>Supratentorial haemorrhage causes the <a href="/articles/brainstem">brainstem</a> and mesial temporal lobes to be forced downwards through the tentorial hiatus. As a result of this shift it is believed that perforating branches from the <a href="/articles/basilar-artery">basilar artery</a> and/or draining veins are damaged with resultant parenchymal haemorrhage. Usually it is seen in patients with severe herniation for 12-24 hours prior to death <sup>2</sup>.</p><h4>Radiographic features</h4><p>The classical appearance of a duret haemorrhage is one located in the midline near the pontomesencephalic junction. Often however, these haemorrhages can be multiple or even extend into the cerebellar peduncles.</p><h4>Differential diagnosis</h4><ul>
  • +<li>primary hypertensive brainstem haemorrhage<ul>
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Image 3 CT (non-contrast) ( create )

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