Editorial team

Changed by Henry Knipe, 9 Apr 2020

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Radiopaedia's editorial team comprises a number of contributors, many of whom have been shaping the site for years. They have many roles, but primarily they are responsible for the review and moderation of new content, reaching out to new contributors and generally ensuring that the Radiopaedia community remains vibrant, welcoming and productive. 


The editorial team is roughly pyramidal in shape with most editors beginning as subeditors. Each editorial level has various roles and obligations, but all are actively responsible for the well being of the site. 

To see all our current editors, please visit our editorial board page. 

Review and moderation

One of the key responsibilities of the editorial board is to review every single edit that occurs on the site. There are literally hundreds of edits every day on cases, articles and multiple choice questions, and each one generates an entry on our edits page

Members of the editorial team have access to a number of specific tools to allow them to visualize what content has changed on a particular page. Each edit then receives a 'thumbs up' or 'thumbs down'. Editors can then go on to make further changes and or contact the contributor. 

In some instances, edits may need to be undone, or cases may need to be pushed back to draft mode and further direction given to the contributor to help them bring their content in line with our ever-increasing standards. 


The editorial team also has the ability to take on users for mentorship. This is an editor-only feature that merely earmarks a specific contributor as being mentored by a specific editor. This helps foster an ongoing relationship with one or more editors. It does not, however, mean that interactions will be restricted to the mentors.


The "Moderator" achievement on your profile page reflects the number of change-sets you have moderated during your time as a member of the editorial board. 

Joining the editorial team

Generally, editors are invited from the pool of active contributors who show a willingness to contribute to the site. 

If you are interested in joining the editorial team, the best thing you can do is start contributing to the site. We are particularly looking for individuals who contribute to the articles and do so in a manner that reflects our style guide

During this process, you will, without doubt, communicate with one or more of our editors. During those exchanges feel free to let them know that you are keen to escalate your involvement, and we will go from there. 

We usually perform an editorial board revamp every 6-12 months, but adding new subeditors or making tweaks to the line up is done more frequently. 

  • -<li>
  • -<a href="/articles/editors-in-chief">deputy editor-in-chief</a>: <a href="/users/drjermy">Jeremy Jones</a>
  • +<li>academic director: <a href="/users/dixona">Andrew Dixon</a>
  • +</li>
  • +<li>community director: <a href="/users/drjermy">Jeremy Jones</a>
  • -<li>academic director: <a href="/users/dixona">Andrew Dixon</a>
  • +<li>editorial director: <a title="Henry Knipe" href="/users/henryknip">Henry Knipe</a>
  • -<li><a title="student editors" href="/articles/student-editors">student editors</a></li>
  • +<li><a href="/articles/student-editors">student editors</a></li>

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