Infundibular recess

Changed by Henry Knipe, 29 May 2015

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The infundibular recess is a small angular recess or diverticulum that sits at the floor third ventricle, immediately above the pituitary stalk, extending inferiorly into the stalk. It is immediately posterior to the supra-optic recess.

Related pathology

When the third ventricle is expanded due to hydrocephalus (e.g. aqueduct stenosis) this recess, along with the supra-optic recess and pineal recess, 'balloons out'. 

  • -<p>The <strong>infundibular recess</strong> is a small angular recess or diverticulum that sits at the floor <a href="/articles/third-ventricle">third ventricle</a>, immediately above the pituitary stalk, extending inferiorly into the stalk. It is immediately posterior to the <a href="/articles/supraoptic-recess-2">supra-optic recess</a>.</p><p>When the third ventricle is expanded due to <a href="/articles/hydrocephalus">hydrocephalus</a> (e.g. <a href="/articles/aqueduct-stenosis">aqueduct stenosis</a>) this recess, along with the <a href="/articles/supraoptic-recess-2">supra-optic recess</a> and<a href="/articles/pineal-recess"> pineal recess</a>, 'balloons out'. </p>
  • +<p>The <strong>infundibular recess</strong> is a small angular recess or diverticulum that sits at the floor <a href="/articles/third-ventricle">third ventricle</a>, immediately above the pituitary stalk, extending inferiorly into the stalk. It is immediately posterior to the <a href="/articles/supraoptic-recess-2">supra-optic recess</a>.</p><h4>Related pathology</h4><p>When the third ventricle is expanded due to <a href="/articles/hydrocephalus">hydrocephalus</a> (e.g. <a href="/articles/aqueduct-stenosis">aqueduct stenosis</a>) this recess, along with the <a href="/articles/supraoptic-recess-2">supra-optic recess</a> and<a href="/articles/pineal-recess"> pineal recess</a>, 'balloons out'. </p>
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Caption was changed:
Figure 1: IVH outlining the recesses of the third3rd ventricle

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