Lamina papyracea

Changed by Craig Hacking, 2 Jul 2021

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The lamina papyracea, also known as the orbital lamina of the ethmoid bone, is the principal component of the medial wall of the orbit, and also the lateral surface of the ethmoid air cells.

Gross anatomy

It articulates:

It thickens posteriorly to form the optic tubercle, protecting the optic nerve.

History and etymology

Lamina papyracea is Latin for paper-thin, which is an appropriate term to describe this thin sheet or paper-like osseous structure.

Related pathology

  • -<p>The <strong>lamina papyracea</strong>, also known as the <strong>orbital lamina </strong>of the <a href="/articles/ethmoid-bone-1">ethmoid bone</a>, is the principal component of the <a title="Medial wall of the orbit (mnemonic)" href="/articles/medial-wall-of-the-orbit-mnemonic">medial wall</a> of the <a href="/articles/orbit">orbit</a>, and also the lateral surface of the <a href="/articles/ethmoidal-air-cells">ethmoid air cells</a>.</p><h4>Gross anatomy</h4><p>It articulates:</p><ul>
  • +<p>The <strong>lamina papyracea</strong>, also known as the <strong>orbital lamina </strong>of the <a href="/articles/ethmoid-bone-1">ethmoid bone</a>, is the principal component of the <a href="/articles/medial-wall-of-the-orbit-mnemonic">medial wall</a> of the <a href="/articles/orbit">orbit</a>, and also the lateral surface of the <a href="/articles/ethmoidal-air-cells">ethmoid air cells</a>.</p><h4>Gross anatomy</h4><p>It articulates:</p><ul>
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