Median antebrachial vein

Changed by Kieran Kusel, 27 Jan 2020

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The median antebrachial vein is a superficial vein of the anterior forearm that drains the superficial structures of the forearm and wrist between the basilic and cephalic veins. It ascends to the cubital fossa where it usually drains into the medialmedian cephalic and median basilic veins (collectively the median cubital vein) in an inverted Y-shaped configuration.

  • -<![endif]--><!--StartFragment-->The <strong>median antebrachial vein</strong> is a superficial vein of the anterior <a href="/articles/forearm">forearm</a> that drains the superficial structures of the forearm and wrist between the <a href="/articles/basilic-vein-1">basilic</a> and <a href="/articles/cephalic-vein-1">cephalic veins</a>. It ascends to the <a href="/articles/cubital-fossa">cubital fossa</a> where it usually drains into the medial cephalic and median basilic veins (collectively the <a href="/articles/median-cubital-vein">median cubital vein</a>) in an inverted Y-shaped configuration.</p><p><!--EndFragment--></p>
  • +<![endif]--><!--StartFragment-->The <strong>median antebrachial vein</strong> is a superficial vein of the anterior <a href="/articles/forearm">forearm</a> that drains the superficial structures of the forearm and wrist between the <a href="/articles/basilic-vein-1">basilic</a> and <a href="/articles/cephalic-vein-1">cephalic veins</a>. It ascends to the <a href="/articles/cubital-fossa">cubital fossa</a> where it usually drains into the median cephalic and median basilic veins (collectively the <a href="/articles/median-cubital-vein">median cubital vein</a>) in an inverted Y-shaped configuration.</p><p><!--EndFragment--></p>

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