Metatarsophalangeal joint

Changed by Matt A. Morgan, 25 May 2020

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The metatarsophalangeal joints (MTPJ) are the articulations in the forefoot between the heads of the metatarsals and the proximal phalanges 1.

Gross anatomy

The joint is formed by the articulation of the metatarsals with their adjacent proximal phalanges. They are condyloid synovial joints which allow for flexion, extension and limited adduction and abduction 2

First toe

The metatarsophalangeal joint of the first toe is stabilised by a capsuloligamentous complex and collection of tendons. The capsuloligamentous complex is comprised of:

  • fibrous capsule
  • collateral ligamentous complex
  • sesamoid-phalangeal ligaments (medial and lateral)
  • intersesamoid ligament
  • plantar plate
  • extensor hood

Additional supporting structures:

Lesser metatarsophalangeal joints

The lesser (second-to-fourth) metatarsophalangeal joints also have a capsuloligamentous complex which is comprised of 3:

  • fibrous capsule
  • collateral ligamentous complexes (proper and accessory)
  • plantar plate

Additional supporting structures:

Related pathology

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Images Changes:

Image 1 Diagram ( update )

Caption was changed:
CaseFigure 1: first MTPJ anatomy

Image 2 Pathology (H&E) ( create )

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