Open ring sign

Changed by Frank Gaillard, 19 Feb 2023
Disclosures - updated 6 Dec 2022:
  • Biogen Australia Pty Ltd, Investigator-Initiated Research Grant for CAD software in multiple sclerosis: finished Oct 2021 (past)

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The open ring sign is a relatively specific sign for demyelination, most commonly multiple sclerosis (MS), and is helpful in distinguishing between the causes of ring-enhancing lesions

Radiographic features

The enhancing component is thought to represent advancing front of demyelination and thus favours the white matter side of the lesion. The open part of the ring will therefore usually point towards the grey matter 3.

Treatment and prognosis

Often patients with such lesions undergo biopsy, where the histology can be difficult to interpret. Abundant bizarre astrocytes with frequent mitoses can suggest the diagnosis of glioblastoma. Toxoplasmosis may also be suggested by the presence of giant cells (Creutzfeldt cells).

As such, careful assessment of imaging is essential to avoid unnecessary and misleading intervention. 

  • -<p>The<strong> open ring sign </strong>is a relatively specific sign for <a href="/articles/demyelination">demyelination</a>, most commonly <a href="/articles/multiple-sclerosis">multiple sclerosis (MS)</a>, and is helpful in distinguishing between the causes of <a href="/articles/cerebral-ring-enhancing-lesions">ring-enhancing</a> <a href="/articles/cerebral-ring-enhancing-lesions">lesions</a>. </p><h4>Radiographic features</h4><p>The enhancing component is thought to represent advancing front of demyelination and thus favours the white matter side of the lesion. The open part of the ring will therefore usually point towards the grey matter <sup>3</sup>.</p><h4>Treatment and prognosis</h4><p>Often patients with such lesions undergo biopsy, where the histology can be difficult to interpret. Abundant bizarre astrocytes with frequent mitoses can suggest the diagnosis of <a href="/articles/glioblastoma">glioblastoma</a>. <a href="/articles/neurotoxoplasmosis">Toxoplasmosis</a> may also be suggested by the presence of <a href="/articles/giant-cells-creutzfeldt-cells">giant cells (Creutzfeldt cells)</a>.</p><p>As such, careful assessment of imaging is essential to avoid unnecessary and misleading intervention. </p>
  • +<p>The<strong> open ring sign </strong>is a relatively specific sign for <a href="/articles/demyelination">demyelination</a>, most commonly <a href="/articles/multiple-sclerosis">multiple sclerosis (MS)</a>, and is helpful in distinguishing between the causes of <a href="/articles/cerebral-ring-enhancing-lesions">ring-enhancing</a> <a href="/articles/cerebral-ring-enhancing-lesions">lesions</a>. </p><h4>Radiographic features</h4><p>The enhancing component is thought to represent advancing front of demyelination and thus favours the white matter side of the lesion. The open part of the ring will therefore usually point towards the grey matter <sup>3</sup>.</p><h4>Treatment and prognosis</h4><p>Often patients with such lesions undergo biopsy, where the histology can be difficult to interpret. Abundant bizarre astrocytes with frequent mitoses can suggest the diagnosis of <a href="/articles/glioblastoma-idh-wildtype">glioblastoma</a>. <a href="/articles/neurotoxoplasmosis">Toxoplasmosis</a> may also be suggested by the presence of <a href="/articles/giant-cells-creutzfeldt-cells">giant cells (Creutzfeldt cells)</a>.</p><p>As such, careful assessment of imaging is essential to avoid unnecessary and misleading intervention. </p>
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Image 2 MRI (T1 C+) ( create )

Image 3 MRI (T1 C+) ( update )

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Image 4 MRI (T1 C+) ( update )

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