Os hypolunatum

Changed by Craig Hacking, 13 Mar 2024
Disclosures - updated 3 May 2023:
  • Philips Australia, Paid speaker at Philips Spectral CT events (ongoing)

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The os hypolunatum is an accessory ossicle of the wrist seen seen lying between the scaphoid and lunate carpal carpal bones, lying at the most proximal border of the capitate bone 1. Due to its position, it should be carefully assessed in clinical context so as not to mistake it for a fracture of an adjacent carpal bone 2.

See also

  • -<p>The <strong>os hypolunatum</strong> is an <a href="/articles/accessory-ossicles-of-the-wrist">accessory ossicle of the wrist</a> seen lying between the <a href="/articles/scaphoid-1">scaphoid</a> and <a href="/articles/lunate-1">lunate</a> carpal bones, lying at the most proximal border of the <a href="/articles/capitate">capitate</a> bone <sup>1</sup>. Due to its position, it should be carefully assessed in clinical context so as not to mistake it for a fracture of an adjacent carpal bone <sup>2</sup>.</p><h4>See also</h4><ul>
  • +<p>The <strong>os hypolunatum</strong> is an <a href="/articles/accessory-ossicles-of-the-wrist">accessory ossicle of the wrist</a>&nbsp;seen lying between the <a href="/articles/scaphoid-1">scaphoid</a> and <a href="/articles/lunate-1">lunate</a>&nbsp;carpal bones, lying at the most proximal border of the <a href="/articles/capitate">capitate</a> bone <sup>1</sup>. Due to its position, it should be carefully assessed in clinical context so as not to mistake it for a fracture of an adjacent carpal bone <sup>2</sup>.</p><h4>See also</h4><ul>
Images Changes:

Image 3 X-ray (Frontal) ( create )

Caption was added:
Case 2: os hypolunatum
Position was set to 3.

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