Pending review

Changed by Frank Gaillard, 22 Feb 2024
Disclosures - updated 26 Oct 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Article Attributes

Title was added:
Pending review
Body was added:

Pending review is a special publication status that cases need to pass through when the contributing author has yet to accumulate a history of published cases that meet our publishing guidelines without requiring extensive editorial input.

A case that is pending review cannot be added to an article or shared with other users until it undergoes editorial board review and moderation. This can take some time depending on the diagnosis and the number of other cases awaiting review.

Once a contributor has demonstrated that their submissions are well aligned without the Radiopaedia style and are accurate and of high quality, the pending review step prior to publication will no longer be required.

  • +<p><strong>Pending review</strong> is a special <a href="/articles/publication-status" title="publication status">publication status</a> that cases need to pass through when the contributing author has yet to accumulate a history of published cases that meet our <a href="/articles/case-publishing-guidelines-2" title="Case publishing guidelines">publishing guidelines</a> without requiring extensive editorial input. </p><p>A case that is pending review cannot be added to an article or shared with other users until it undergoes <a href="/articles/editorial-team" title="Editorial board">editorial board</a> review and moderation. This can take some time depending on the diagnosis and the number of other cases awaiting review. </p><p>Once a contributor has demonstrated that their submissions are well aligned without the Radiopaedia style and are accurate and of high quality, the pending review step prior to publication will no longer be required. </p>
Type was set to Article.
Status was set to published.
Author was set to 29.
Share Token was set to a11eeac745d8ec58cbc36e7350c0bf7c.
Published At was set to 2024-02-22T01:18:18.854Z.

Tags changed:

  • help

Updates to Primarylink Attributes

Title was added:
Pending review
Slug was set to pending-review.
Type was set to PrimaryLink.
Visible was set to true.
Content was set to 184668.
Content Type was set to Article.

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