Subdural hemorrhage (summary)

Changed by Francis Deng, 25 Sep 2019

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This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists

Subdural haemorrhage (SDH) is a collection of blood between the dura and the arachnoid layers of the meninges. They are common and can occur in any age range, usually related to a history of head trauma. Prognosis tends to depend on the extent of the bleed and associated mass effect.

The bleed in relation to the dura mater is the key anatomical difference between an subdural and a extradural haemorrhage. As a student, a helpful tip is to remember that the dura tightly adheres to the intracranial bony sutures. Thus, a subdural haemorrhage haemorrhage may freely move in the cranial cavity, producing the typical crescentic shape. 

Reference article

This is a summary article; read more in our article on subdural haemorrhage.


  • anatomy
  • epidemiology
    • children: non-accidental injury 1
    • adults: high energy trauma, e.g. road traffic collisions
    • elderly: falls (there may not be a clear history of trauma)
  • presentation
    • acute
      • usually associated with head injury
        • may be associated contusions or extradural haemorrhage
      • underlying vascular malformations
    • subacute or chronic
      • confusion and vague neurological change
      • a classic cause of pseudodementia
      • beware patients on anticoagulants, e.g. warfarin
  • pathophysiology
    • tearing of bridging veins found in the subdural space
    • veins are subject to shearing forces
      • occurs with lower forces in the elderly
  • investigation
    • non-contrast CT head
  • treatment
    • correction of abnormal coagulation
    • discussion with neurosurgical services
    • small subdural can be observed with repeated CT
    • surgical evacuation of the clot
      • may carry significant mortality and morbidity


  • role of imaging
    • initial diagnosis
    • assessment of the associated mass effect
    • look for an underlying cause
    • suggest further imaging
    • follow up
  • radiographic features
    • general
      • typically unilateral
      • crescent distribution around the periphery
      • not limited by sutures
      • fill dural reflections (falx cerebritentorium)
    • CT
      • acute
        • hyperdense crescent
        • central hypodensity represents active bleeding
        • acute bleed mixed with CSF may appear less dense
        • density is variable in coagulopathic patients, e.g. warfarinised
      • subacute
        • over the first couple of weeks, the blood is broken down
        • density approaches that of the brain
        • they may be tricky to see
      • chronic
        • over time, the haematoma approaches CSF density
    • MRI
      • may be used to assess the underlying brain parenchyma
      • ageing blood on MRI is a complex process
  • -<h6>This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists</h6><p><strong>Subdural haemorrhage (SDH)</strong> is a collection of blood between the <a href="/articles/dura-mater">dura</a> and the <a href="/articles/arachnoid-mater">arachnoid</a> layers of the meninges. They are common and can occur in any age range, usually related to a history of head trauma. Prognosis tends to depend on the extent of the bleed and associated mass effect.</p><p>The bleed in relation to the dura mater is the key anatomical difference between an subdural and a <a title="extradural haemorrhage" href="/articles/extradural-haemorrhage-summary">extradural haemorrhage</a>. As a student, a helpful tip is to remember that the dura tightly adheres to the intracranial bony sutures. Thus, a <strong>subdural</strong> haemorrhage may freely move in the cranial cavity, producing the typical crescentic shape. </p><h4>Reference article</h4><p>This is a <a href="/articles/summary-article">summary article</a>; read more in our article on <a href="/articles/subdural-haemorrhage">subdural haemorrhage</a>.</p><h4>Summary</h4><ul>
  • +<h6>This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists</h6><p><strong>Subdural haemorrhage (SDH)</strong> is a collection of blood between the <a href="/articles/dura-mater">dura</a> and the <a href="/articles/arachnoid-mater">arachnoid</a> layers of the meninges. They are common and can occur in any age range, usually related to a history of head trauma. Prognosis tends to depend on the extent of the bleed and associated mass effect.</p><p>The bleed in relation to the dura mater is the key anatomical difference between an subdural and a <a href="/articles/extradural-haemorrhage-summary">extradural haemorrhage</a>. As a student, a helpful tip is to remember that the dura tightly adheres to the intracranial bony sutures. Thus, a subdural haemorrhage may freely move in the cranial cavity, producing the typical crescentic shape. </p><h4>Reference article</h4><p>This is a <a href="/articles/summary-article">summary article</a>; read more in our article on <a href="/articles/subdural-haemorrhage">subdural haemorrhage</a>.</p><h4>Summary</h4><ul>

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