Usual ductal hyperplasia

Last revised by Daniel J Bell on 19 Mar 2024

Usual ductal hyperplasia, also known as epithelial hyperplasia, is a benign proliferation of normal cells in breast ducts and lobules.

The mean age of patients with epithelial hyperplasia is 54 years 1.

Epithelial hyperplasia is usually asymptomatic and found incidentally on biopsy.

  • breast ducts and lobules usually lined by a single outer layer of myoepithelial cells and a single inner layer of epithelial/luminal cells

  • in usual ductal hyperplasia, there are an increased number of myoepithelial and luminal cell types that fill and distend ducts and lobules 2

  • no epithelial cell atypia

No specific imaging findings.

No treatment is required. Usual ductal hyperplasia confers a 1.5-2x increased risk for subsequent breast cancer 1, 3, which may be slightly higher in those with a family history of breast cancer 4.

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