Urethroscrotal fistula

Case contributed by Mohammad Taghi Niknejad
Diagnosis certain


An elderly man with a long-standing poor urinary stream due to spinal trauma was referred for scrotal swelling and enlargement after recently forced catheterization.

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Male

The contrast media is injected into the urinary bladder via a Foley catheter. The urinary bladder is relatively small and shows marginal irregularity and trabeculation.

Bilateral vesicoureteral reflux is seen.

On voiding images, there is an urethroscrotal fistula in the bulbar segment, and some contrast media passed into the scrotum.

The post-voiding residue is more than normal limits.

Post-operative changes and evidence of CD insertion are seen in the lumbar spine.

Case Discussion

An urethroscrotal fistulous formation due to forced catheterization in an elderly patient with chronic poor urinary stream.

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