Normal 18F-flobetaben PET (Amyloid PET)

Case contributed by Sally Louise Ayesa
Diagnosis not applicable


Decreased memory with word finding difficulties.

Patient Data

Age: 75
Gender: Male

18-F Florbetaben PET

Nuclear medicine

There is preserved grey/white matter contrast with no significant binding of tracer to the cerebral grey matter on visual inspection or quantitative analysis. Tracer uptake conforms to the white matter distribution only, maintaining an arboreal pattern. Normal separation between the cerebral hemispheres has been preserved.

On quantitative analysis, the average SUVR is 0.96 (normal <1.26) and the centiloid value is 0.05 (normal <10).

Annotated image

The normal, expected arboreal pattern of tracer uptake is outlined in blue.

Separation of uptake between the cerebral hemispheres is noted in purple.

Case Discussion

Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative condition which has been traditionally difficult to diagnose in its early stages. F18-Florbetaben PET assesses the brain for the presence of extracellular deposition of amyloid plaques (Aβ peptides), which is the defining feature of Alzheimer's disease, by binding to sites of β-amyloid (Aβ) deposition.

This is an example of a normal F18-Florbetaben PET, which does not demonstrate tracer uptake in the cortex/grey matter. Normal studies demonstrate preservation of the sharp "arboreal" or tree branching pattern of the cerebral white matter, and clear separation between the two hemispheres. Blunting of the arboreal pattern, blurring of the grey-white matter junction and/or loss of definition between the two hemispheres is consistent with cortical amyloid deposition.

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