Corpus callosum agenesis

Case contributed by Mahmoud Nady Hassan Mostafa
Diagnosis certain


Routine antenatal ultrasound with serial post natal follow up.

Patient Data

Gender: Male

Antenatal scan at 29th wk...


Antenatal scan at 29th wk gestation

Dilated occipital horns of lateral ventricles with parallel appearance of bilateral lateral ventricles.

Postnatal transcranial US


Dilated occipital horns of lateral ventricles with parallel appearance of bilateral lateral ventricles. Absent corpus callosum in sagittal images. An interhemispheric cyst is also seen.

Post natal MRI.


Dilated occipital horns of lateral ventricles with parallel appearance of bilateral lateral ventricles (racing car sign). Absent corpus callosum in sagittal images. An interhemispheric cyst is also seen.

Case Discussion

The corpus callosum is a major axonal commissure of the brain connecting the two cerebral hemispheres and providing communication between the cortical and subcortical neurons.

Corpus callosum agenesis results from failure of the callosal commissural fibers to cross the midline and form the major connection between the two cerebral hemispheres.

It may be complete or partial and may occur in isolation or in association with other CNS or systemic malformations.

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