Retroperitoneal lymphangioma

Case contributed by Mohammad Taghi Niknejad
Diagnosis almost certain


Abdominal pain and palpable mass on physical exam.

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Male

A 160×100×95 mm multiloculated cystic lesion is present at left paraaortic regions contains internal fat density. Regarding to the location and density of the lesion loculated chyloperitoneum and lymphangioma could be considered in differential list.

A 114×103×92mm thin walled cystic lesion is noted at left kidney without calcification or enhancing solid component. 

The prostate gland is enlarged.

Case Discussion

The patient underwent surgical resection and histopathology evaluation confirms cystic retroperitoneal lymphangioma

See also : Cystic retroperitoneal lesions

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