
Case contributed by Anna Khomenko , 4 Aug 2022
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Andrew Murphy, 4 Sep 2022
Disclosures - updated 3 Sep 2022: Nothing to disclose

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Clinical presentation (heavy vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain) and the constellation of sonographic findings (uterine globular appearance, classic fan-shaped shadowing) suggestive of adenomyosis. Small uterine leiomyomas are not excluded. Further evaluation with pelvic MRI can be obtained for additional information as clinically warranted. 

The case was reviewed and discussed withCase co-author: Dr. Morlie L. Wang MD, MPH, Program Director of Diagnostic Radiology who stood in agreement with the findings.

  • -<p>Clinical presentation (heavy vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain) and constellation of sonographic findings (uterine globular appearance, classic fan-shaped shadowing) suggestive of adenomyosis. Small uterine leiomyomas are not excluded. Further evaluation with pelvic MRI can be obtained for additional information as clinically warranted. </p><p>The case was reviewed and discussed with Dr. Morlie L. Wang MD, MPH, Program Director of Diagnostic Radiology who stood in agreement with the findings.</p>
  • +<p>Clinical presentation (heavy vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain) and the constellation of sonographic findings (uterine globular appearance, classic fan-shaped shadowing) suggestive of adenomyosis. Small uterine leiomyomas are not excluded. Further evaluation with pelvic MRI can be obtained for additional information as clinically warranted. </p><p>Case co-author: Dr. Morlie L. Wang MD, MPH.</p>

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