Adult transient intestinal intussusception

Case contributed by Domenico Nicoletti
Diagnosis certain


Female forty years old with recurrent abdominal pain

Patient Data

Age: 35
Gender: Female

Ultrasonographically, the intussusception looks like a shallow enough training, which, in section longitudinal, roughly shaped and in cross-section with takes a look target, due to the alternating layering intestinal wall with fat case.

The target aspect due to the presence of the invaginated bowel and peritoneal adipose tissue within the intestinal lumen is well recognized

Abdominal CT scan, multislice imaging technique is more sensitive and specific, it is crucial to define the cause and site of intestinal invagination (jejuno-jejunal and ileo ileal intussusception).

Case Discussion

Intussusception in an adult is a rare entity; that challenges the surgeon opening a broad range of issues in order to define the etiology and therapeutic strategy.

The segment intestinal involved may be the only small intestine (jejunum and ileum intussusception-fasting-ileal), the colon (colo-colic, sigmoido-rectal), or the ileocecal region (ileocecal, ileum-blind-colic). The clinical course is more often subacute, with recurrent episodes of pain colic, nausea, vomiting, and changes in bowel habit. They are, however, described intermittent or chronic forms.

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