Amyand hernia

Case contributed by James Sheldon
Diagnosis probable


Incidental finding on staging CT for anal cancer.

Patient Data

Age: 75 years
Gender: Male

There is soft tissue mass at the anus and distal rectum, only partially imaged. The majority of the bulk of anal tumor seen in the previous PET study has not been imaged. There is regional lymph node enlargement, with perirectal lymphadenopathy identified.

The gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and adrenal glands are normal. Prominent renal collecting system bilaterally with several parapelvic cysts, stable. The ureters are of normal caliber. The bowel demonstrates uncomplicated colonic diverticular disease.

Note is made of the vermiform appendix coursing into the right inguinal canal ('Amyand Hernia').

Case Discussion

Amyand hernia is an uncommon form of inguinal hernia in which the vermiform appendix is located within the hernial sac. It is seen in less than 1% of inguinal hernia.

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