"Apple core" colonic adenocarcinoma with obstruction and fecalization

Case contributed by Michael P Hartung , 10 Oct 2023
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Ryan Thibodeau, 13 Dec 2023
Disclosures - updated 20 Jan 2023: Nothing to disclose
Hidden edits. Some edits not affecting the appearance of this case have been suppressed.

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Massive dilation and faecalisation of the large bowel and distal small bowel, with a transition point at the splenic flexure soft tissue mass with apple-core configuration. Low attenuation mass in the caudate lobe.

Images Changes:

Image 144 CT (C+ portal venous phase) ( update )

Annotation 5120 changed from 1 arrow,1 label to 14 arrows,7 labels.

Image 144 CT (C+ portal venous phase) ( create )

Annotation 7953 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to Low attenuation mass,18 arrows,18 labels.

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