Asbestos-related lung cancer

Case contributed by Azza Elgendy , 19 Feb 2020
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Ayla Al Kabbani, 23 Feb 2020

Updates to Case Attributes

Age changed from 67 year old to 65 years.
Presentation was changed:
weightWeight loss
Body was changed:

There is evidence of prior asbestos exposure demonstrated by the calcified and non calcified pleural plaques. The single image fused FDG PET/CT lung window shows intense FDG avidity in the right upper lobe mass. The asbestos increases the risk of primary lung cancer and mesothelioma 1. The mass is biopsy proven adenocarcinoma. 

  • -<p>There is evidence of prior asbestos exposure demonstrated by the calcified and non calcified pleural plaques. The single image fused FDG PET/CT lung window shows intense FDG avidity in the right upper lobe mass. The asbestos increases the risk of primary lung cancer and mesothelioma <sup>1</sup>. The mass is biopsy proven adenocarcinoma. </p><p> </p><p> </p>
  • +<p>There is evidence of prior asbestos exposure demonstrated by the calcified and non calcified pleural plaques. The single image fused FDG PET/CT lung window shows intense FDG avidity in the right upper lobe mass. The asbestos increases the risk of primary lung cancer and mesothelioma <sup>1</sup>. The mass is biopsy proven adenocarcinoma. </p>

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Calcified and non calcified pleural plaques  consistantconsistent with prior asbestos exposure. A right upper lobe mass with intense FDG uptake. 

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