Basilar tip thromboembolism

Case contributed by Frank Gaillard , 16 Aug 2012
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Ayla Al Kabbani, 21 Dec 2019

Updates to Case Attributes

Presentation was changed:
Sudden onset of loss of consciousness.
Body was changed:

Typical appearances of a basilar tip thromboembolism. Despite endovascular thrombolysis and attempted clot attempted clot retrieval (which was moderately angiographically effective (not shown)), the patient did not recover consciousness and consciousness and developed extensive infarction, and eventually passed away. 

Note: Top of basilar occlusion is usually embolic, whereas mid-basilar occlusion is usually the result of in situ thrombosis as a result of atherosclerotic plaque complication. 

  • -<p>Typical appearances of a basilar tip thromboembolism. Despite endovascular thrombolysis and attempted clot retrieval (which was moderately angiographically effective (not shown)), the patient did not recover consciousness and developed extensive infarction, and eventually passed away. </p><p>Note: Top of basilar occlusion is usually embolic, whereas mid-basilar occlusion is usually the result of in situ thrombosis as a result of atherosclerotic plaque complication. </p>
  • +<p>Typical appearances of a basilar tip thromboembolism. Despite endovascular thrombolysis and attempted clot retrieval (which was moderately angiographically effective (not shown)), the patient did not recover consciousness and developed extensive infarction, and eventually passed away. </p><p>Note: Top of basilar occlusion is usually embolic, whereas mid-basilar occlusion is usually the result of in situ thrombosis as a result of atherosclerotic plaque complication. </p>

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

CT angiogram confirms the presence of a filling defect at the tip of the basilar artery. The left superior cerebellar and both posterior cerebral arteries are opacified with contrast. The right SCAsuperior cerebellar artery is occluded. 

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