Continuous diaphragm sign

Case contributed by Yusra Sheikh , 19 Jun 2019
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Ayla Al Kabbani, 29 Jun 2019

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

There is a linear lucency at the base of the heart, giving an impression of a continuous diaphragm, representing the continuous diaphragm sign and lucency along the right superior mediastinum consistent with pneumomediastinum. All this is on a background of extensive bilateral confluent opacification.

Right sided VPventriculoperitoneal shunt traverses the chest. Tracheostomy in place.

Updates to Case Attributes

Body was changed:

Our patient stayed in ICU for several months but later, later improved and was discharged home.

  • -<p>Our patient stayed in ICU for several months but later improved and was discharged home.</p>
  • +<p>Our patient stayed in ICU for several months, later improved and was discharged home.</p>

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