Epidermoid cyst - 4th ventricle

Case contributed by Hasan Hussein Hasan Almaiah , 11 Jun 2023
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Mostafa Elfeky, 12 Jul 2023
Disclosures - updated 14 May 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Case Attributes

Title was changed:
Epidermoid cyst (4th- 4th ventricle)
Status changed from pending review to published (public).
Published At was set to 2023-07-12T14:55:10.063Z.
Presentation was changed:
Medically free, presented with headache, dizziness, and facial numbness.

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was removed:
Epidermoid cyst (4th ventricle)
Type was removed.
Visible changed from true to false.

Updates to Primarylink Attributes

Title was added:
Epidermoid cyst - 4th ventricle
Slug was set to epidermoid-cyst-4th-ventricle-3.
Type was set to PrimaryLink.
Visible was set to true.
Content was set to 170130.
Content Type was set to Case.

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

A large lobulated non-enhancing cystic lesion occupies and expands the fourth ventricle and extends through the left foramen of Luschka. It has scalloped margins and a very high T2 signal which only partially attenuates on FLAIR without calcification or enhancement. It measures about 2.9 x 2.3 x 2.8 cm.

Diffusion-weighted imaging demonstrates very high DWI signal and intermediate ADC values similar to the adjacent cerebellum.

It measures about 2.9 x 2.3 x 2.8 cm.

Images Changes:

Image MRI (T1) ( update )

Cropped image

Image MRI (T2) ( update )

Cropped image

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