Foregut duplication cyst with vertebral anomalies

Case contributed by Marya Hameed , 16 Apr 2021
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Dalia Ibrahim, 28 Nov 2023
Disclosures - updated 8 Sep 2023: Nothing to disclose
Hidden edits. Some edits not affecting the appearance of this case have been suppressed.

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

A tubular cystic lesion in the posterior mediastinum extends craniocaudallyfrom subcarinal region through oesophageal hiatus to the abdomen along the entire length of oesophagus and stomach. It displaces and compresses the carina. It measures 166 x 62 x 81 mm. No enteric communication identified. No evidence of oesophageal atresia.

Associated failure-of-formation vertebral anomalies, including hemivertebra and butterfly vertebra of the upper dorsal spine.

Findings link to annotation ' ', which does not exist in this study.
Images Changes:

Image 10 CT (C+ portal venous phase) ( destroy )

Annotation 7394 changed from cystic lesion,39 arrows,32 labels to NOT linked from the study findings - ,0 arrows,0 labels.

Image 10 CT (C+ portal venous phase) ( create )

Annotation 7401 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to NOT linked from the study findings - cystic lesion,6 arrows,6 labels.

Image 39 CT (C+ portal venous phase) ( create )

Annotation 7397 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to NOT linked from the study findings - craniocaudally,4 arrows,1 label.

Image 39 CT (C+ portal venous phase) ( create )

Annotation 7400 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to butterfly vertebra,2 arrows,1 label.

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