Glioblastoma NOS

Case contributed by Dalia Ibrahim , 12 Feb 2023
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Dalia Ibrahim, 23 Feb 2023
Disclosures - updated 8 Sep 2022: Nothing to disclose

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Glioblastoma NOS(IDH-Wild)

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Glioblastoma NOS
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The patient went on to have a biopsy.


Sections revealed brain tissue infiltrated by malignant astrocytic tumour compromised of malignant astrocytes with pleomorphic nuclei, increased nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, prominent nucleoli and frequent mitosis. Vascular proliferation was detected in the form of small blood vessel proliferation and endothelial proliferation with occasional glomeruloid morphology. Focal necrosis was observed.

Final diagnosis

WHO CNS grade 4 astrocytic tumour.

Awaiting IDH status to distinguish between diffuse astrocytoma and glioblastoma.Immunostain:

  • P53: negative staining

  • IDH1;Negative staining

  • GFAP:Diffuse positive staining

  • K167:Proliferation index 8%

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