Infected urachal cyst with urachal-sigmoid fistula

Case contributed by Ali Alsmair
Diagnosis almost certain


Recurrent urinary tract infection, lower abdominal pain, and fever.

Patient Data

Age: 3 years
Gender: Male

There is an ill-defined cystic lesion with thick enhancing wall and gas content in the urinary bladder dome, it measures about 18 x 25 x 13 mm (AP.TRANS.CC). This cystic lesion is connected to the inferomedial aspect of the distal sigmoid colon via a fistulous track, measuring about 23 mm in length. There is diffuse enhancement of the adjacent soft tissue as well as diffuse thickening and hyperenhancement of the urinary bladder wall. Mild to moderate pelvic free fluid.

Incidental finding of retro-aortic left renal vein.

Case Discussion

Urachal-sigmoid fistula is a fistulous track between the urachal remnant and the sigmoid colon (with or without bowel disease).

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