Salter Harris fracture - type II

Case contributed by Omer Ibrahim Ali
Diagnosis certain


The patient has a history of falling down.

Patient Data

Age: 8 years
Gender: Male

Minimally displaced fracture base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb.

Case Discussion

Salter II (above)

These are when the fracture extends through both the physis and metaphysis. These are most common and occur away from the joint space.

When the small corner of the metaphysis is visible, this is known as a corner sign or Thurston-Holland fragment.

Be careful in using the terms proximal and distal to describe the extension because the position of the physis is relative to the metaphysis and is not fixed. If the proximal end of the bone is involved, the physis is proximal to the metaphysis, so this extends distally from the physis into the metaphysis. If it involves the distal end of the bone, the physis is distal to the metaphysis, which extends proximally from the physis into the metaphysis.

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