Transverse colon cancer

Case contributed by Rania Adel Anan , 20 May 2022
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Bahman Rasuli, 10 Mar 2024
Disclosures - updated 9 Nov 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

A short segment of irregular mural thickening (due to tumoraltumoural infiltration) withsubsequentwith subsequent luminal attenuation is present at the proximal transverse colon, measuring 6 cm in length and 3 cm in maximal thickness; accompanied by pericolic fat stranding and few regional lymphadenopathies with SAD less than 8 mm. No free intra or retroperitoneal air or fluid could be detected.

Hiatus hernia also noted.

Updates to Case Attributes

Body was changed:

Non-obstructing colonic adenocarcinoma of the proximal transverse colon with with few small peritumoral lymph nodes without metastases elsewhere in the abdomen or pelvis.

Colorectal cancers can be found anywhere from the caecum to the rectum and transverse colon involvement includes about 10% of cases 1.

CT is an excellent modality for evaluating colonic masses masses, assessing assessing associated lymph node status and for metastatic workup as well.

  • -<p>Non-obstructing <a href="/articles/colorectal-cancer-1" title="Colon adenocarcinoma">colonic adenocarcinoma</a> of the proximal <a href="/articles/transverse-colon" title="transverse colon.">transverse colon</a> with few small peritumoral lymph nodes without metastases elsewhere in the abdomen or pelvis.</p><p>Colorectal cancers can be found anywhere from the caecum to the rectum and transverse colon involvement includes about 10% of cases <sup>1</sup>.</p><p>CT is an excellent modality for evaluating <a href="/articles/colonic-stricture">colonic</a> masses, assessing associated lymph node status and for metastatic workup as well. </p>
  • +<p>Non-obstructing <a href="/articles/colorectal-cancer-1" title="Colon adenocarcinoma">colonic adenocarcinoma</a> of the proximal <a href="/articles/transverse-colon" title="transverse colon.">transverse colon</a>&nbsp;with few small peritumoral lymph nodes without metastases elsewhere in the abdomen or pelvis.</p><p>Colorectal cancers can be found anywhere from the caecum to the rectum and transverse colon involvement includes about 10% of cases <sup>1</sup>.</p><p>CT is an excellent modality for evaluating <a href="/articles/colonic-stricture">colonic</a>&nbsp;masses,&nbsp;assessing associated lymph node status and for metastatic workup as well.&nbsp;</p>

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