
Multiple choice questions are not just simple ways to check factual knowledge. They can also include images or can be used to integrate understanding across multiple areas. Questions are automatically included at the bottom of related articles as revision but can also be accessed directly from this page. Find out more about MCQs.

28 results found

Question 420

Which of these is NOT a common complication of pyelonephritis?


Question 650

A 50-year-old man presents with altered conscious state and is evaluated with a non-contrast CT of the brain. What is the most likely underlying cause of the demonstrated abnormality?


Question 776

Which of the following causes inferior rib notching? 


Question 874

What is the most common MR manifestation of neurocandidiasis?


Question 914

Pseudarthrosis is a feature of all of the following conditions EXCEPT...


Question 915

Acro-osteolysis is a feature of all of the following conditions EXCEPT...


Question 969

Which is the most common jugular fossa mass? 


Question 1021

Where is the most common location of a visceral artery aneurysm? 


Question 1488

A focus of abdominal fluid is measured as being 65 Hounsfield Units in density on CT. It is most likely to be:


Question 1506

Which of the following maternal injuries is NOT at increased risk due to the gravid uterus?


Question 1581

A 25-year-old male presented with a left neck lump. CT was performed. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 1599

This 85-year-old presented to the emergency department after an unwitnessed fall with head strike. He underwent CT. A non-contrast coronal reformat is shown. What is the most likely diagnosis? 


Question 1622

A 40-year-old male suffered head trauma due to a motor vehicle collision. CT head was performed. A non-contrast coronal reformat is presented. Which of the following entities is NOT present?


Question 1629

Which of the following images shows a correctly positioned nasogastric tube?


Question 1792

A 22-year-old otherwise well woman with no known medical history presents with a lobar hemorrhage in the parietal lobe. The most likely diagnosis is... 


Question 1862

All the following points are considered as the maternal factors for a high-risk pregnancy EXCEPT...


Question 1872

What are the two most common intradural extramedullary tumors in adults?


Question 1881

Which type of spinal arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is shown on this sagittal T2 image?


Question 1976

What is the most common cause of temporal lobe epilepsy?


Question 2089

A 25-year-old male presents with a 2-week history of acute breathlessness and chest pain. CT thorax with contrast shows a heterogeneous anterior mediastinal mass and multiple lung nodules. Which is the next best step for diagnosis?

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