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535 results found

Visual assessment of coronary artery calcification

Overall visual assessment of coronary artery calcification is a simple scoring system for risk assessment of coronary heart disease mortality by an overall "gestalt" of none, mild, moderate or heavy coronary artery calcification (CAC). It is comparable to the Agatston score but has the advantage...

Lauge-Hansen classification of ankle injury

The Lauge-Hansen classification system is used for classifying ankle injuries based on injury mechanisms with predictable patterns and imaging findings. These systems are useful tools for describing and classifying ankle injuries along with the Weber classification. Classification The Lauge-Ha...

Green and O'Brien classification of thumb metacarpal fractures

The Green and O'Brien classification of thumb metacarpal fractures is a commonly used classification system when assessing thumb metacarpal fractures. However, since most types of fractures coincide with well-known eponymous fractures, the system itself is not usually used properly, giving pref...

Delbet classification

The Delbet classification helps predict the risk of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in neck of femur fractures, as well as determine operative vs non-operative management 1.  Classification type I: trans-epiphyseal separation fracture through proximal femoral physis, representing Salte...

Hunka classification of pediatric septic arthritis of the hip

The Hunka classification is used to grade the residual anatomical deformity of the proximal femur following a septic hip in the pediatric population based on changes to the femoral head and stability of the hip. Classification type I: absent or minimal femoral head changes type II: IIa: defo...

Kasai classification

Kasai classification is used to describe the three main anatomical types of biliary atresia. Classification type I: obliteration of common bile duct (patent cystic and common hepatic duct) type II IIa: obliteration of common hepatic duct (patent cystic and common bile duct), sometimes with a...

WHO classification of odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumors

The WHO classification of odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumors, last published in 2017, is a subset of the WHO classification of head and neck tumors (4th edition), which lays out a histological classification system for neoplasms and other tumors related to the odontogenic apparatus. Clas...

LI-RADS (overview)

Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS) is a standardized terminology and classification system for imaging findings in liver lesions. A liver lesion's LI-RADS score indicates its relative risk for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Usage The classification system is meant to be used in...

Pulmonary artery stenosis types

Pulmonary artery stenosis refers to a narrowing of the pulmonary artery or pulmonary trunk and can be classified into several types 1,2: type I: involving the main pulmonary artery (pulmonary trunk) type II: involving bifurcation type III: multiple peripheral stenoses type IV: central and pe...

Schatzker classification of tibial plateau fractures

Schatzker classification system is one method of classifying tibial plateau fractures. Increase in type number denotes increasing severity, reflecting an increase in energy imparted to the bone at the time of injury and also an increasingly worse prognosis 1. The most common fracture of the tib...

Unified classification system for periprosthetic fractures

The unified classification system (UCS) is used for periprosthetic fractures. The classification is proposed to standardize the classification of periprosthetic fractures and provide a guide to the management of these fractures regardless of the broken bone or the joint affected 1-4. The class...

TOAST classification in acute ischemic stroke

The TOAST (Trial of ORG 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment) classification denotes five etiologies of ischemic stroke. large-artery atherosclerosis cardioembolism small-vessel occlusion (lacune) stroke of other determined etiology stroke of undetermined etiology It is thought to carry good in...

Steinberg staging of osteonecrosis of the femoral head

Steinberg staging of osteonecrosis of the femoral head is a commonly used system (at the time of writing, mid-2016) similar to the Ficat and Arlet staging.  It is based on the radiographic appearance and location of lesion. It primarily differs from the other systems by quantifying the involvem...

Mitchell classification of osteonecrosis of the femoral head

The Mitchell classification is used to stage osteonecrosis of the femoral head and is based on MRI signal characteristics within the center of the lesion on T1 and T2-weighted images. Classification The lesion is classified into four stages with stage A representing early disease and stage D r...

Talar neck fracture

Talar neck fractures extend through the thinnest cross-sectional portion of the talus, just proximal to the talar head. They represent one of the most common types of talus fracture (~30-50%), along with chip and avulsion fractures of the talus (~40-49%). These fractures are commonly associated ...

Mayo classification of scaphoid fractures

The Mayo classification of scaphoid fractures divides scaphoid fractures into three types according to the anatomic location of the fracture line: middle (70%) distal (20%) proximal (10%) Fractures of the distal third are further divided into distal articular surface and distal tubercle frac...

Cruess classification of humeral head osteonecrosis

The Cruess classification of humeral head osteonecrosis uses plain radiographs, CT and/or MRI for its staging system. Early Cruess stage osteonecrosis may only be detected on MRI. Classification The Cruess classification is the best-known system and is composed of five stages 1: stage I: pre-...

Elbow injection (disambiguation)

Elbow injection usually refers to an elbow joint injection, but especially to patients, it can be a term used referring to other procedures which include: common extensor origin microtenotomy common flexor origin microtenotomy distal biceps tendon sheath injection elbow joint injection MRI ...

Milan criteria in liver transplantation

The Milan criteria are used to assess suitability in patients for liver transplantation with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with comparable outcomes when compared to patients with liver cirrhosis but without HCC 3. Usage The Milan criteria are widely accepted and used, however, t...

APACHE score

The Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) score is an illness severity score commonly used in critical care medicine to predict mortality upon admission to an intensive care unit.  Usage Although designed for the calculation of mortality in an intensive care unit the APACHE s...

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