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535 results found

Thoracolumbar injury classification and severity score (TLICS)

The thoracolumbar injury classification and severity score (TLICS), also sometimes known as the thoracolumbar injury severity score (TISS), was developed by the Spine Trauma Group in 2005 to overcome some of the perceived difficulties regarding the use of other thoracolumbar spinal fracture clas...

Gertzbein and Robbins classification

The Gertzbein and Robbins classification assesses the position of transpedicular screws. Classification Transpedicular screw position is graded from A to E based on the extent by which the screw breaches the cortex of the pedicle 1-3: A: fully intrapedicular position without breach of the ped...

Duplex appendix

Duplex appendix is a rare anomaly of the appendix and is usually discovered incidentally during surgery for appendicitis. Epidemiology Duplication of the vermiform appendix is extremely rare. It is found in only 1 in 25,000 patients (incidence ~0.004%) operated on for acute appendicitis. Altho...

Lodwick classification of lytic bone lesions

The Lodwick classification is a system for describing the margins of a lytic bone lesion (or lucent bone lesion). The terms used in the description suggest the level of concern for an aggressive, and possibly malignant, process. Classification type 1: geographic 1A: thin, sclerotic margin 1B...

Modified Lodwick-Madewell classification of lytic bone lesions

The modified Lodwick-Madewell classification is a system for describing the radiographic appearance of a lytic bone lesion. It was proposed in 2016 as a successor to the Lodwick classification and better reflects the risk of malignancy with increasing grade 1. Classification 1A: well-defined,...

PGMI evaluation system

PGMI (Perfect, Good, Moderate, Inadequate) is a method of evaluation of clinical image quality in mammography developed by the United Kingdom Mammography Trainers Group with the support of the Royal College of Radiographers, aimed to ensure the maintenance of a high standard of mammography in Br...

Inner ear malformations (classification)

Inner ear malformations are a spectrum of congenital anomalies involving the inner ear structures with an emphasis on the cochlea due to their implications for sensorineural hearing loss. Classification An imaging-based classification was first proposed in 1987 by Jackler et al. according to p...

BSBR breast imaging classification

The British Society of Breast Radiologists (BSBR) publish with the Royal College of Radiologists a standardized classification for breast imaging in the United Kingdom. The first edition in 2009 was based on findings from the RCR Breast Group (RCRBG) 1 with the current fourth edition published i...

Herring (Lateral Pillar) classification of Legg-Calvè-Perthes disease

Classification of Legg-Calvè-Perthes disease based on the height of the lateral pillar: Group A : No involvement of the lateral pillar with no density changes identified. Group B : at least 50% of the lateral pillar height maintained Group C: less than 50% of the lateral pillar maintained Th...

International Frontal Sinus Anatomy Classification

International Frontal Sinus Anatomy Classification (IFAC) result from an expert consensus, developed to improve the ability of the surgeon to understand the possible variations of the frontal recess and frontal sinus anatomy. Classification anterior cells: push the drainage pathway of the fron...

Bethesda criteria of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer

The Bethesda criteria are an alternative to the Amsterdam criteria for the clinical diagnosis of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC).  Diagnosis of HNPCC is made if any of the following criteria are fulfilled: Amsterdam criteria are met 2 or more HNPCC related malignancies  pa...

Biffl scale for blunt cerebrovascular injury

The Biffl scale or grade illustrates the spectrum of blunt cerebrovascular injury (BCVI) seen on angiography (both CTA and DSA). Some authors refer to the grading scale as the Denver scale, which is not to be confused with the Denver criteria, a series of clinical indications to screen for blunt...

Situs solitus

Situs solitus (rare plural: sitūs soliti) refers to the normal position of the thoracic and abdominal organs. This will include a left-sided heart, also known as levocardia. Radiographic features Plain radiograph On plain radiograph, careful attention should be directed at the location of the...

Coughlin classification

The Coughlin classification is the most widely used to type bunionettes. It relies on simple angle measurements on weight-bearing foot radiographs taken in the dorsoplantar projection 1,2. In 2013 DiDomenico et al added type IV 2. Classification type I: enlarged lateral surface of the head of ...

Kuhn classification

Kuhn classification is an anatomical classification for the subtypes of frontal cells: type 1 (~37%): a single air cell above the agger nasi cell type 2 (~19%): two or more air cells above the agger nasi cell type 3 (~7%): a single large cell above the agger nasi cell that extends into the fr...

Tile classification of pelvic fractures

The Tile classification of pelvic fractures is the precursor of the more contemporary Young and Burgess classification of pelvic ring fractures. It takes into account stability, force direction, and pathoanatomy. The integrity of the posterior arch determines the grade, with the posterior arch ...

Mueller-Weiss syndrome (classification)

Mueller Weiss syndrome refers to a spontaneous adult onset osteonecrosis of the tarsal navicular. This syndrome is multifactorial and related to chronic loading on a suboptimally ossified navicular bone which is susceptible to central osteonecrosis due to its centripetal blood supply. It is dist...

WHO classification of anal margin tumors

The WHO classification of anal margin tumors or perianal skin tumors is: intraepithelial tumors Bowen disease (precursor of squamous cell carcinoma) Paget disease (precursor of adenocarcinoma) invasive tumors squamous cell carcinoma adenocarcinoma basal cell carcinoma  verrucous carcinom...

Osteoarthritis of the hip (grading)

Osteoarthritis of the hip can be graded according to its severity. Classification Plain radiograph Different grading schemes are described for plain radiographs of the hip: grade 0: normal grade 1: possible joint space narrowing and subtle osteophytes grade 2: definite joint space narrowin...

Situs classification

Situs classification (plural: sitūs) or body situs can be a daunting topic, but it falls into three main groups: situs solitus: the normal configuration of thoracic and abdominal organs situs inversus: mirror image of the normal configuration situs ambiguus (heterotaxy): an intermediate confi...

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