Items tagged “stub”

1,316 results found

Fishhook ureters

Fishhook ureters, also known as J-shaped ureters or hockey stick ureters describe the appearance of the distal ureter in patients with significant benign prostatic hypertrophy. It has also been used to describe the appearance of a retrocaval ureter in type 1 or low loop variety. As the right ure...

String sign (bowel)

The gastrointestinal string sign (also known as the string sign of Kantor) refers to the string-like appearance of a contrast-filled bowel loop caused by its severe narrowing. Originally used to describe the reversible narrowing caused by spasms in Crohn disease, it is now used for any severe n...


A hemangioendothelioma is a tumor derived from blood vessels.  Pathology Subtypes Subtypes dependent on location include hemangioendothelioma (MSK) hemangioendothelioma of liver See also epithelioid hemangioendothelioma

Hyperostosis frontoparietalis

Hyperostosis frontoparietalis is a variant of the more common and more well known hyperostosis frontalis interna. As the name suggests, there is benign overgrowth exclusively of the inner table of the frontal bones and parietal bones. Characteristic features include sparing of the midline and ou...


The incus (plural: incudes) is the middle of the three ossicles articulating with the head of the malleus anteromedially, forming the incudomalleolar joint, and the stapes inferomedially, forming the incudostapedial joint. Gross anatomy Four parts of the incus are named: body contiguous with...

Kager triangle

Kager triangle is a sharply marginated radiolucent triangle seen posteriorly on lateral radiographs of the ankle. It represents the Kager fat pad, although often the latter term is used as a synonym for Kager triangle, even though they are not strictly the same. It is bordered anteriorly by the...

Glenoid labrum variants

There are a number of glenoid labral variants, whose importance is mainly due to the fact that the unwary may misinterpret them as pathology (e.g. Bankart lesion or labral tear). These include: Buford complex sublabral foramen superior sublabral sulcus pseudo-SLAP lesion

Low endplate signal on T1

Several conditions may give vertebral endplate T1 low signal on MRI. They include:   ankylosing spondylitis vertebral metastases disc infection haemodialysis

Malignant vascular tumors

Malignant vascular tumors are rare, accounting for <1% of all sarcomas.  Pathology intermediate grade hemangioendothelioma Kaposi sarcoma high grade hemangiopericytoma angiosarcoma

Mönckeberg medial calcific sclerosis

Mönckeberg medial calcific sclerosis, also known as Mönckeberg medial sclerosis (MMS) is an acquired disease characterized by calcific deposits within the medial layer of medium and small muscular arteries that do not cause luminal narrowing. Mönckeberg medial calcific sclerosis increases vessel...

Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes

Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndromes are a collection of syndromes characterized by the presence of, as the name would suggest, multiple endocrine tumors. They are autosomal dominant in inheritance. MEN1 (Wermer syndrome) MEN2 (multiple endocrine adenomatosis) MEN2a (Sipple syndrome) ...


Myoepitheliomas and malignant myoepitheliomas were considered a variant of pleomorphic adenomas until 1991. However, these are also found in the breast and bronchus and have gained recognition as separate entities 1. Epidemiology They account for <1% of salivary gland tumors, and only rarely u...


Myokymia refers to an involuntary undulating movement of muscle 1. The term is employed in a number of clinical contexts 1-3: eyelid myokymia: pathogenesis is not well understood extra-ocular muscle myokymia: pathogenesis is not well understood inferior oblique myokymia (rare) superior obli...


Nephrocalcinosis, previously known as Anderson-Carr kidney or Albright calcinosis, refers to the deposition of calcium salts in the parenchyma of the kidney. It is divided into several types, with differing etiologies, based on the distribution: medullary nephrocalcinosis: 95% cortical nephroc...

Nerve to stapedius

The nerve to stapedius arises from the facial nerve to supply the stapedius muscle. The branch is given off in the facial nerve's mastoid segment, as it passes posterior to the pyramidal process. Damage to this branch with resulting paralysis of stapedius leads to hypersensitivity to loud noise...

Middle ear ossicles

There are three tiny articulating bones in the middle ear known as ossicles (from lateral to medial): malleus incus stapes Their role is to mechanically amplify the vibrations of the tympanic membrane and transmit them to the cochlea where they can be interpreted as sound. They are located i...


Otomastoiditis refers to inflammation of both the middle ear (otitis media) and mastoid (mastoiditis), can be divided into two distinct entities: acute otomastoiditis: usually due to bacterial infection chronic otomastoiditis: usually due to Eustachian tube dysfunction

Posterior cerebral artery (PCA) infarct

Posterior cerebral artery (PCA) infarcts arise, as the name says, from occlusion of the posterior cerebral artery. It is a type of posterior circulation infarction. Epidemiology Posterior cerebral artery strokes are believed to comprise approximately 5-10% of ischemic strokes 6. Clinical pres...

Pleural mouse

A pleural mouse (plural: pleural mice), also known as a fibrin body is a 1-2 cm mobile rounded clump of fibrin left over after resolution of a pleural effusion 1.

Pneumatized dorsum sella

Pneumatization of the dorsum sella is not uncommon, but needs to be remembered as an unusual site of sinus disease, which otherwise may be mistaken for intracranial of pituitary disease.

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