Renal cell carcinoma

Changed by Brian Gilcrease-Garcia, 15 Jul 2016

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Renal cell carcinomas (RCC) are primary malignant adenocarcinomas derived from the renal tubular epithelium and are the most common malignant renal tumour. They usually occur in 50-70 year old patients and macroscopic haematuria occurs in 60% of the cases. On imaging they have a variety of radiographic appearances, from solid and relatively homogeneous to markedly heterogeneous with areas of necrosis, cystic change and haemorrhage.


Patients are typically 50-70 years of age at presentation 1-2, with a moderate male predilection of 2:1 2.

Renal cell carcinomas are thought to be the 8th most common adult malignancy, representing 2% of all cancers, and account for 80-90% of primary malignant adult renal neoplasms 4,7.

Clinical presentation

Presentation is classically described as the triad of:

  1. macroscopic haematuria: 60%
  2. flank pain: 40%
  3. palpable flank mass: 30-40%

This triad is however only found in 10-15% of patients 1,2, and increasingly the diagnosis is being made on CT for assessment of haematuria alone or as an incidental finding. The majority of cases are sporadic. In contemporary medicine almost half of all identified renal cell carcinomas are found incidentally on imaging performed for other purposes.

Paraneoplastic syndromes

Around 25% of RCC patients will develop a paraneoplastic syndrome 19-21:

Risk factors


Renal cell carcinomas arise from tubular epithelium, and encompasses a number of distinct histological varieties, including 4-6:

Macroscopic appearance

Macroscopically, renal cell carcinomas are variable in appearance, ranging from solid and relatively homogeneous to markedly heterogeneous with areas of necrosis, cystic change and haemorrhage 4.

Low grade, smaller tumours typically have a pseudocapsule composed of compressed and ischaemic normal renal tissue. The presence of a pseudocapsule is only seen in renal cell carcinomas, renal adenomas and oncocytomas 8.

Renal cell carcinoma is one of the (more common) causes of cannonball metastases to the lung.


In some instances RCCs are associated with 2:

Radiographic features

Imaging is essential in accurately staging renal cell carcinomas (see RCC staging (TNM) and Robson staging) and in operative planning.


Although ultrasound is very frequently requested to assess the renal tract, it is not as sensitive or specific as CT or MRI. Furthermore, it struggles to accurately locally stage the disease in many instances 4.

Renal cell carcinoma has a widely varying sonographic appearance. It may appear solid or partially cystic, and may be hyper, iso, or hypoechogenic to the surrounding renal parenchyma.22The tumour pseudocapsule can sometimes be visualised with ultrasound as a hypoechoic halo. Although this is a relatively specific sign, it not particularly sensitive (~20%). Use of harmonic scanning has been reported to increase sensitivity to up to 85% 8.

Contrast-enhanced ultrasound 16 demostrates the lesion to be heterogenously hypervascular in the arterial phase with early wash out in the delayed phase.


CT is frequently used to both diagnose and stage renal cell carcinomas. On non-contrast CT the lesions appear of soft tissue attenuation. Larger lesions frequently have areas of necrosis. Approximately 30% demonstrate some calcification 7.

During the corticomedullary phase of enhancement, 25-70 seconds after administration of contrast, renal cell carcinomas demonstrate variable enhancement, usually less than the normal cortex. Small lesions may enhance a similar amount and be difficult to detect 7. In general small lesions enhance homogeneously, whereas larger lesions have irregular enhancement due to areas of necrosis. The clear cell sub type may show much stronger enhancement 5.

The corticomedullary phase is also best for assessing vascular anatomy, both for renal vein involvement, and for arterial variation if partial nephrectomy is being contemplated 7. Intraluminal growth into the venous circulation, in particular the renal vein, occurs in 4-15% 12. The prognosis is significantly worse for those with IVC involvement compared to renal vein involvement alone, making identification on CT important 13.

The nephrogenic phase (80-180 seconds) is the most sensitive phase for detection of abnormal contrast enhancement.

Excretory phase is of less worth, but important in assessing the collecting system anatomy especially if the candidate is a potential candidate for a partial nephrectomy.

Follow up imaging following treatment is typically with CT, with dual phase imaging of the abdomen advocated to maximize the detection of solid organ metastases 9. Renal cell carcinoma typically causes hypervascular metastases, best appreciated on arterial phase imaging of the upper abdomen.


MRI is not only excellent at imaging the kidneys and locally staging tumours, but is also able to suggest the likely histology, on the grounds of T2 differences.

  • T1: often heterogeneous due to necrosis, haemorrhage and solid components
  • T2: appearances depend on histology 6
    • clear cell RCC: hyperintense
    • papillary RCC: hypointense
  • T1 C+ (Gd): often shows prompt arterial enhancement

Tumour pseudocapsule, essentially only seen in low grade renal cell carcinomas, renal adenomas and oncocytomas appears as a hypointense rim between the tumour and the adjacent normal renal parenchyma 8.

MRI is also useful at imaging renal vein and IVC tumour thrombus and the rostral extension (important in preoperative planning). Presence of enhancement in the thrombus is able to distinguish between gland and tumour thrombus 4.

The use of diffusion weighted sequences has been explored in assisting with characterising indeterminate small renal lesions, which may be inflammatory or malignant in nature, both exhibit restricted diffusion, albeit the restriction is greater with abscess than tumour 10.

Treatment and prognosis

Treatment of renal cell carcinomas is usually with radical nephrectomy if feasible. However, in elderly patients or those with co-morbidities, and especially those with smaller tumours suggestive of papillary histology (see MRI findings above) then organ sparing treatment can be entertained. This ranges from adrenal sparing nephrectomy to partial nephrectomy, performed both open or laparoscopically. Additionally percutaneous radiofrequency or cryo ablation (typically under CT guidance), which can be carried out with only local anaesthetic and sedation, has been introduced in selected cases 11.

Prognosis can be variable depending both on histological subtype and stage.

The papillary variant carries the best prognosis (5-year survival of 90%), followed by clear cell (conventional) RCC (5-year survival 70%), while collecting duct sub type carry the worst 6.

As far as the effects of tumour stage (see renal cell carcinoma staging) are concerned, there is a dramatic difference between stage I and IV tumours:

  • stage I: 90% 5 year survival
  • stage II: 50% 5 year survival
  • stage III: 30% 5 year survival
  • stage IV: 5% 5 year survival

Differential diagnosis

The broad differential is essentially that of all renal masses, particularly other renal tumours, and most commonly includes:

  • -<a title="polycythaemia" href="/articles/polycythaemia">polycythaemia</a>: from erythropoietin secretion (~5%)</li>
  • +<a href="/articles/polycythaemia">polycythaemia</a>: from erythropoietin secretion (~5%)</li>
  • -<li><a title="Obesity" href="/articles/obesity">obesity</a></li>
  • +<li><a href="/articles/obesity">obesity</a></li>
  • -</ul><h4>Radiographic features</h4><p>Imaging is essential in accurately staging renal cell carcinomas (see <a href="/articles/renal-cell-carcinoma-staging-tnm">RCC staging (TNM)</a> and <a href="/articles/renal-cell-carcinoma-staging-robson">Robson staging</a>) and in operative planning.</p><h5>Ultrasound</h5><p>Although ultrasound is very frequently requested to assess the renal tract, it is not as sensitive or specific as CT or MRI. Furthermore, it struggles to accurately locally stage the disease in many instances <sup>4</sup>.</p><p>The tumour pseudocapsule can sometimes be visualised with ultrasound as a hypoechoic halo. Although this is a relatively specific sign, it not particularly sensitive (~20%). Use of harmonic scanning has been reported to increase sensitivity to up to 85% <sup>8</sup>.</p><p>Contrast-enhanced ultrasound <sup>16</sup> demostrates the lesion to be heterogenously hypervascular in the arterial phase with early wash out in the delayed phase.</p><h5>CT</h5><p>CT is frequently used to both diagnose and stage renal cell carcinomas. On non-contrast CT the lesions appear of soft tissue attenuation. Larger lesions frequently have areas of necrosis. Approximately 30% demonstrate some calcification <sup>7</sup>.</p><p>During the corticomedullary phase of enhancement, 25-70 seconds after administration of contrast, renal cell carcinomas demonstrate variable enhancement, usually less than the normal cortex. Small lesions may enhance a similar amount and be difficult to detect <sup>7</sup>. In general small lesions enhance homogeneously, whereas larger lesions have irregular enhancement due to areas of necrosis. The clear cell sub type may show much stronger enhancement <sup>5</sup>.</p><p>The corticomedullary phase is also best for assessing vascular anatomy, both for renal vein involvement, and for arterial variation if partial nephrectomy is being contemplated <sup>7</sup>. Intraluminal growth into the venous circulation, in particular the renal vein, occurs in 4-15% <sup>12</sup>. The prognosis is significantly worse for those with IVC involvement compared to renal vein involvement alone, making identification on CT important <sup>13</sup>.</p><p>The nephrogenic phase (80-180 seconds) is the most sensitive phase for detection of abnormal contrast enhancement.</p><p>Excretory phase is of less worth, but important in assessing the collecting system anatomy especially if the candidate is a potential candidate for a partial nephrectomy.</p><p>Follow up imaging following treatment is typically with CT, with dual phase imaging of the abdomen advocated to maximize the detection of solid organ metastases <sup>9</sup>. Renal cell carcinoma typically causes hypervascular metastases, best appreciated on arterial phase imaging of the upper abdomen.</p><h5>MRI</h5><p>MRI is not only excellent at imaging the kidneys and locally staging tumours, but is also able to suggest the likely histology, on the grounds of T2 differences.</p><ul>
  • +</ul><h4>Radiographic features</h4><p>Imaging is essential in accurately staging renal cell carcinomas (see <a href="/articles/renal-cell-carcinoma-staging-tnm">RCC staging (TNM)</a> and <a href="/articles/renal-cell-carcinoma-staging-robson">Robson staging</a>) and in operative planning.</p><h5>Ultrasound</h5><p>Although ultrasound is very frequently requested to assess the renal tract, it is not as sensitive or specific as CT or MRI. Furthermore, it struggles to accurately locally stage the disease in many instances <sup>4</sup>.</p><p>Renal cell carcinoma has a widely varying sonographic appearance. It may appear solid or partially cystic, and may be hyper, iso, or hypoechogenic to the surrounding renal parenchyma.<sup>22</sup> The tumour pseudocapsule can sometimes be visualised with ultrasound as a hypoechoic halo. Although this is a relatively specific sign, it not particularly sensitive (~20%). Use of harmonic scanning has been reported to increase sensitivity to up to 85% <sup>8</sup>.</p><p>Contrast-enhanced ultrasound <sup>16</sup> demostrates the lesion to be heterogenously hypervascular in the arterial phase with early wash out in the delayed phase.</p><h5>CT</h5><p>CT is frequently used to both diagnose and stage renal cell carcinomas. On non-contrast CT the lesions appear of soft tissue attenuation. Larger lesions frequently have areas of necrosis. Approximately 30% demonstrate some calcification <sup>7</sup>.</p><p>During the corticomedullary phase of enhancement, 25-70 seconds after administration of contrast, renal cell carcinomas demonstrate variable enhancement, usually less than the normal cortex. Small lesions may enhance a similar amount and be difficult to detect <sup>7</sup>. In general small lesions enhance homogeneously, whereas larger lesions have irregular enhancement due to areas of necrosis. The clear cell sub type may show much stronger enhancement <sup>5</sup>.</p><p>The corticomedullary phase is also best for assessing vascular anatomy, both for renal vein involvement, and for arterial variation if partial nephrectomy is being contemplated <sup>7</sup>. Intraluminal growth into the venous circulation, in particular the renal vein, occurs in 4-15% <sup>12</sup>. The prognosis is significantly worse for those with IVC involvement compared to renal vein involvement alone, making identification on CT important <sup>13</sup>.</p><p>The nephrogenic phase (80-180 seconds) is the most sensitive phase for detection of abnormal contrast enhancement.</p><p>Excretory phase is of less worth, but important in assessing the collecting system anatomy especially if the candidate is a potential candidate for a partial nephrectomy.</p><p>Follow up imaging following treatment is typically with CT, with dual phase imaging of the abdomen advocated to maximize the detection of solid organ metastases <sup>9</sup>. Renal cell carcinoma typically causes hypervascular metastases, best appreciated on arterial phase imaging of the upper abdomen.</p><h5>MRI</h5><p>MRI is not only excellent at imaging the kidneys and locally staging tumours, but is also able to suggest the likely histology, on the grounds of T2 differences.</p><ul>

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