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496 results found

ABER position

The ABER position relates to MR arthrography of the shoulder joint and is a mnemonic for ABduction and External Rotation. In this position, labral tears are made conspicuous by tightening the inferior glenohumeral labroligamentous complex (which are also the most important glenohumeral ligament...

Femur (AP view)

The anteroposterior femur view is part of a standard series examining the femur in its entirety, including the hip and knee joint. Due to the limitations of the image detector, these projections are often performed in two images per view to ensure inclusion of both knee and hip joints. Indicati...

Saline flush during contrast medium administration

The saline flush during contrast medium administration otherwise known as a saline chaser is a secondary injection following the administration of contrast medium via a power injector. It is used in both CT and MRI. The primary purpose of the saline chaser is to ‘push’ the otherwise unused cont...

Forearm (lateral view)

Forearm lateral view is one of two standard projections in the forearm series to assess the radius and ulna. Indications This view allows for the assessment of suspected dislocations or fractures and localizing foreign bodies within the forearm. Patient position patient is seated alongside t...

Humerus series

The humerus series is usually used for the detection of traumatic injury to the shaft of the humerus. Indications Humerus radiographs are performed for a variety of indications including:  trauma  bony tenderness at the glenohumeral joint/region  restriction of abduction  suspected disloca...

Air gap technique (mammography)

The air gap technique is utilized for the magnification mammography view. Magnification mammography is a high dose imaging technique which is generally utilized as a follow-up to a standard mammogram image series when a focal area needs to be more clearly examined 1. The air gap technique is ut...

ADIR position

The ADIR (ADduction and Internal Rotation) position relates to MR arthrography of the shoulder joint. When added to a neutral-position shoulder protocol, MR arthrography in the ADIR position facilitates the diagnosis of labroligamentous lesions in patients with recurrent shoulder dislocations, ...

Wrist series

The wrist series is comprised of a posteroanterior, oblique, and lateral projection. The series examines the carpal bones that are consisting of the scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate. It also examines the radiocarpal and distal radioulnar joint alo...

Wrist (lateral view)

The lateral wrist view is part of a three view series of the wrist and carpal bones. It is the orthogonal projection of the PA wrist. Indications The lateral wrist radiograph is requested for myriad reasons including but not limited to trauma, suspected infective processes, injuries the distal...

Normal chest imaging examples

This article lists examples of normal imaging of the chest and surrounding structures, divided by modality. Plain radiographs Adult examples chest radiograph PA adult male example 1 example 2: with inverted windows example 3 PA adult female example 1 example 2 example 3: with labels ...

CT abdominal aorta (protocol)

CT abdominal aorta can be performed with or without contrast. The decision is based on the indication, clinical indications provided, and vascular access. Various scanning methods can be utilized depending on the scanner and patient demographics. NB: This article relates to general protocol des...

Knee series

The knee series is a set of radiographs taken to investigate knee joint pathology, often in the context of trauma. It usually comprises an AP and lateral projection, although other non-standard, modified projections can be used for specific indications. See also knee radiograph (an approach). ...

CT neck, chest, abdomen-pelvis (NCAP protocol)

The CT neck chest-abdomen-pelvis protocol aims to evaluate the neck, thoracic and abdominal structures using contrast in trauma imaging. The use of contrast facilitates the assessment of pathologies globally whilst minimizing dose by potentially disregarding a non-contrast scan.  Note: This art...

Hand (bilateral PA view)

The bilateral PA view is merely a single film that includes both hands, side by side. Although convenient, research in 2023 showed that the distortion due to divergent rays when imaging bilaterally can impact diagnosis and x-raying the hands individually is preferred at a minimal dose increase 1...

CT four-phase liver (protocol)

The four-phase liver CT protocol is a useful examination in the assessment of focal liver lesions, hypervascular liver metastasis and endocrine tumors. It is a triple-phase liver with an initial non-contrast component included before the intravenous contrast medium is given, often requested if ...

Calcaneus (lateral view)

The calcaneus lateral view is part of the two view calcaneus series; this projection is used to assess the calcaneus, talocrural, talonavicular and talocalcaneal joint. As technology advances, computed tomography (CT) has widely been used 1 to better visualize and characterize calcaneum fragmen...

Gustav Bucky

Gustav Bucky (1880-1963) was a German-born, American radiologist who pioneered the development of anti-scatter grids in projectional radiography with his invention, the Bucky diaphragm. Early life Gustav Peter Bucky was born in the city of Leipzig, Germany on 3 September 1880 2,3,5. He had a k...

Lumbar spine (AP/PA view)

The lumbar spine anteroposterior or posteroanterior view images the lumbar spine in its anatomical position. The lumbar spine generally consists of five vertebrae (see: lumbosacral transitional vertebra). Indications This projection is utilized in many imaging contexts including trauma, postop...

Schuss view

(Lyon) Schuss views are PA weight-bearing knee radiographs taken in 20-30 degrees of flexion 1,2. They are a variant of the Rosenberg view. Several studies have shown them to be more sensitive to detecting early knee osteoarthritis than standard extension AP views 1, particularly of the lateral ...

Abdomen (AP supine view)

The AP supine abdominal radiograph can be performed as a standalone projection or as part of an acute abdominal series, depending on the clinical question posed, local protocol and the availability of other imaging modalities. Indications This view is useful in assessing abdominal pathologies,...

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