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88 results found

Double bubble sign (duodenum)

The double bubble sign is seen in infants and represents dilatation of the proximal duodenum and stomach. It is seen in both radiographs and ultrasound, and can be identified antenatally 2. Pathology Causes include 1,2: congenital obstruction duodenal web duodenal atresia duodenal stenosis...

Copper beaten skull

Copper beaten skull, also known as beaten silver skull or beaten brass skull, refers to the prominence of convolutional markings (gyral impressions on the inner table of the skull) seen throughout the skull vault. Clinical presentation There are no clinical features specific and unique to a co...

Trident appearance (disambiguation)

The trident appearance (or sign) can refer to a variety of entities: trident acetabulum trident hand trident sign (osmotic demyelination) trident sign (neurosarcoidosis) trident sign (persistent trigeminal artery) History and etymology The trident is a three-pronged lance employed for spe...

Congenital hallux valgus

Congenital hallux valgus is a very rare finding wherein a fetus or newborn shows lateral deviation of the first toe(s). When found on prenatal imaging, bilateral congenital/foetal hallux valgus is highly suggestive of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva 1,2. See also hallux valgus

Keyhole sign (posterior urethral valves)

The keyhole sign is an ultrasonographic sign seen in boys with posterior urethral valves. It refers to the appearance of the proximal urethra (which is dilated) and an associated thick walled distended bladder which on ultrasound may resemble a keyhole.

Bright tree appearance (brain)

The bright tree appearance is a radiological pattern appreciated on MRI brain diffusion-weighted sequences in pediatric patients with severe encephalopathy syndromes. The appearance describes widespread restricted diffusion affecting the subcortical white matter, giving the appearance of multipl...

Harlequin eye deformity

The harlequin eye deformity is characterized by elevation of the superolateral corner of the orbit. It may be seen in unilateral (plagiocephaly) or bilateral (brachycephaly) coronal suture synostosis. History and etymology The term harlequin eye derives from the appearance of the eyes on a har...

Claustrum sign

The claustrum sign refers to the bilateral claustral involvement classically seen in febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome (FIRES). This sign is described on T2 and FLAIR MRI sequences, as hyperintensity of both claustra during the acute phase and posterior hypointensity during the chroni...

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