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671 results found

Supraopticohypophyseal tract

The supraopticohypophyseal tract (TA: tractus supraopticohypophysialis) is one of the two major hypothalamohypophyseal neurosecretory tracts connecting the supraoptic nucleus and the paraventricular nucleus in the hypothalamus with the posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis). Gross anatomy Intra...

Superior geniculocalcarine tract

The superior geniculocalcarine tract or superior optic radiation is the dorsal/posterior/superior fibers of the optic radiation. These superior fibers pass dorsally and posteriorly from the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus through the retrolentiform internal capsule and parietal lobe t...

Fourth ventricle

The fourth ventricle is one of the components of the ventricular system in the brain, along with the lateral and third ventricles. It extends from the cerebral aqueduct (of Sylvius) rostrally to the obex caudally and is filled with CSF. CSF enters the ventricle via the cerebral aqueduct and lea...

Paraventricular nucleus

The paraventricular nucleus is a group of neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus that produce the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone). Gross anatomy The paraventricular nucleus is found in the medial area of the anterior hypothalamus immediately medial to the column of t...

Rostral gyrus

The rostral gyrus is located on the medial surface of the frontal lobe, running parallel to and immediately above the gyrus rectus, separated from it by the inferior rostral sulcus.  Posterior to the rostral gyrus lies the parolfactory gyrus of the septal area, separated from it by the anterior...

Uncal artery

The uncal artery is a group of small vessels providing arterial supply predominantly to the uncus. It consists of numerous terminal branches (on average 7 branches per uncus) from major intracranial arteries 1, and it is sometimes subdivided into anterior uncal arteries and posterior uncal, or u...

Circle of Willis

The Circle of Willis is an arterial polygon (heptagon) formed as the internal carotid and vertebral systems anastomose around the optic chiasm and infundibulum of the pituitary stalk in the suprasellar cistern. This communicating pathway allows equalization of blood-flow between the two sides of...

Bridging of the sella turcica

Bridging of the sella turcica is the fusion of the anterior and posterior clinoid processes. Epidemiology The prevalence of a sella turcica bridge in a healthy population is estimated to be ~4% (range 1.75-6%) in anatomical and radiographic studies. Pathology It has been reported to occur in...

Superficial veins of the brain

Superficial veins of the brain predominantly drain the cerebral cortex, and include: superior cerebral veins (or superficial cerebral veins) inferior cerebral veins superficial middle cerebral vein (Sylvian vein) superior anastomotic vein (of Trolard) inferior anastomotic vein (of Labbé) S...

Pericallosal cistern

The pericallosal cistern is an unpaired subarachnoid cistern containing the pericallosal artery. It lies between the superior surface of the corpus callosum and the inferior edge of the falx cerebri and extends from the genu to the splenium of the corpus callosum 1-3. 

Occipital sinus

The occipital sinus is one of the smallest dural venous sinuses and lies, as its name suggests, on the inner surface of the occipital bone. Tributaries from the marginal sinus of the foramen magnum, some of which connect with both the sigmoid sinus and vertebral venous plexus, coalesce to pass i...

AICA-PICA dominance

AICA-PICA dominance refers to the principle that the cerebellar vascular territory supplied by the anterior inferior cerebellar artery and posterior inferior cerebellar artery have a reciprocal arrangement. That is the size of the AICA and the subsequent territory it supplies is inversely propor...

Brodmann areas

Brodmann areas are a system to divide the cerebral cortex according to cytoarchitectural organization, and are, despite controversy, still very widely used as a standardized nomenclature which is superimposed on the somewhat variable gyral and sulcal anatomy.  The classification relies on the f...

Nerve to stapedius

The nerve to stapedius arises from the facial nerve to supply the stapedius muscle. The branch is given off in the facial nerve's mastoid segment, as it passes posterior to the pyramidal process. Damage to this branch with resulting paralysis of stapedius leads to hypersensitivity to loud noise...

Base of the skull

The base of the skull (or skull base) forms the floor of the cranial cavity and separates the brain from the structures of the neck and face. The skull base and vault collectively form the neurocranium. Gross anatomy The base of the skull is a bony diaphragm composed of a number of bones - fro...

Trochlea (eye)

The trochlea is a cartilaginous structure acting as a pulley for the superior oblique muscle of the eye.  Gross anatomy The trochlea inserts on the trochlear fovea and spine located on the anteromedial part of the orbital roof. The tendon of superior oblique muscle passes through it 1. Functi...

Superior cerebral veins

The superior cerebral veins drain the superior portion of the cerebral cortex. They run up and medially before draining into the superior sagittal sinus. In a proportion of patients, a large such vein connects the superficial middle cerebral vein to the sinus, and is known as the superior anasto...

Spinal meninges

The spinal meninges (singular: meninx) are contained within the spinal canal and encase the spinal cord, spinal nerve roots and the cauda equina. Gross anatomy They are composed of three layers (outer to inner) dura mater (also known as theca or pachymeninx) arachnoid mater pia mater Colle...

Suprasellar cistern

The suprasellar cistern (also known as the chiasmatic cistern or pentagon of basal cisterns) is one of the cerebrospinal fluid-filled subarachnoid cisterns. Gross anatomy Location The suprasellar cistern is located above the sella turcica, under the hypothalamus and between the uncus of the t...

Visual system

The visual system or the optic pathway transmits visual information from the retina within the eyes to the primary visual cortex of the occipital lobe as well as the pretectal nuclei and superior colliculi of the midbrain. Gross anatomy Below the visual pathway is described from distal to prox...

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