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311 results found

Acute pancreatitis severity criteria (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the severity criteria for acute pancreatitis is: PANCREAS Mnemonic P: PAO2 <8 kpA A: age >55 years N: neutrophilia (WBC >15 x 109 / L) C: calcium <2 mmol/L R: renal (urea >16 mmol/L) E: enzymes (LDH >600 IU/L and AST >200 IU/L) A: albumin (serum) <32 g/L S: sugar...

Abdominal paracentesis contraindications (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the contraindications to abdominal paracentesis is: CAPSID Mnemonic C: coagulopathy (INR >2.0)  A: abdominal wall cellulitis P: pregnancy S: surgical abdomen (absolute contraindication) / severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count <50 x 103/μL) I: intra-abdominal adhes...

Parkinson disease common signs (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the commonest clinical signs of Parkinson disease is SMART Mnemonic S: shuffling gait M: mask-like facies A: akinesia R: rigidity T: tremor

Endocarditis signs (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the most important signs of endocarditis is: FROM JANE Mnemonic F: fever R: Roth's spots O: Osler's nodes M: murmur of heart J: Janeway lesions A: anemia N: nail hemorrhage E: embolism

Thrombocytopenia causes (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the commonest causes of thrombocytopenia is: PLATELETS Mnemonic P: platelet disorders (DIC, TTP, ITP) L: leukemia  A: anemia T: trauma E: enlarged spleen L: liver disease E: ethanol T: toxicity (heparin, aspirin, chemotherapy, benzene) S: sepsis

Seizure causes (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the commonest causes of seizures is: VITAMIN ​Mnemonic V: vascular I: infection T: trauma A: AV malformation  M: metabolic  I: idiopathic  N: neoplasm

Hematuria causes (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the commonest causes of hematuria is: I PEE RBCS Mnemonic I: infection P: pseudohaematuria (menses, dark urine) E: exercise E: external trauma R: renal glomerular disease B: benign prostatic hypertrophy C: cancer S: stones

Dialysis indications (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the basic indications of dialysis is HAVE PEE Mnemonic H: hyperkalemia (refractory) A: acidosis (refractory) V: volume overload E: elevated BUN > 35 mM P: pericarditis E: encephalopathy E: edema (pulmonary)

Forceps delivery criteria (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the criteria for forceps delivery is: FORCEPS Mnemonic F: fetus alive O: os dilated R: ruptured membrane / rotation complete C: cervix take-up E: engagement of head P: presentation suitable S: sagittal suture in AP diameter of inlet 

Postpartum hemorrhage risk factors (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the basic risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage is: PARTUM Mnemonic P: prolonged labor / polyhydramnios / previous C-section A: APH R: recent Hx of bleeding T: twins U: uterine fibrosis M: multiparity 

Acute abdominal pain differential diagnosis (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the basic differential diagnosis of acute abdominal pain is: ABDOMINAL Mnemonic A: appendicitis  B: biliary tract disease D: diverticulitis O: ovarian disease M: malignancy I: intestinal obstruction N: nephritic disorders A: acute pancreatitis L: liquor (ethano...

Felty syndrome components (mnemonic)

Felty syndrome is a rare condition that involves rheumatoid arthritis, decreased white blood cell count and spleen enlargement. A mnemonic to remember the basic components of Felty syndrome is: SANTA Mnemonic S: splenomegaly  A: anemia N: neutropenia T: thrombocytopenia A: arthritis (rhe...

Anion gap metabolic acidosis causes (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the commonest causes of anion gap metabolic acidosis is: GOLDMARK Mnemonic G: glycols (ethylene glycol and propylene glycol) O: oxoproline L: L-lactate D: D-lactate M: methanol A: aspirin R: renal failure K: ketoacidosis

Tinnitus causes (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the commonest causes of tinnitus is: HAMMER ​Mnemonic H: hypertension A: anemia / acoustic neuroma M: migraine / Menière's disease M: medication (quinine, NSAIDs, streptomycin)  E: ear pathology (wax, foreign body, otitis media)  R: rare (temporomandibular joint ...

New onset atrial fibrillation causes (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the commonest causes of new onset atrial fibrillation is: PIRATES ​Mnemonic P: pulmonary I: ischemic R: rheumatic A: atrial myxoma T: thyroid E: embolism S: sepsis

Cavitating lesions (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the commonest causes of cavitating lesions seen in a chest x-ray is: WEIRD HOLES Mnemonic W: Wegener's granulomatosis (granulomatosis with polyangiitis) E: embolism (pulmonary, septic) I: infection (anaerobes, pneumocystis, TB) R: rheumatoid arthritis (necrobiotic no...

Cerebellar disease signs (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the signs of cerebellar disease is: DANISH Mnemonic D: dysdiadochokinesia/dysmetria A: ataxia N: nystagmus I: intention tremor S: slurred speech H: hypotonia

Horner syndrome signs (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the commonest signs of Horner syndrome is: PAMELA Mnemonic P: ptosis A: anhydrosis M: miosis E: enophthalmos L: loss of ciliary-spinal reflex A: anisocoria

Posterior ankle tendons (mnemonic)

Mnemonics that can be used to remember the anatomy of the ankle tendons from anterior to posterior as they pass posterior to the medial malleolus of the tibia under the flexor retinaculum in the tarsal tunnel include: Tom, Dick and Harry Tom, Dick And Very Nervous Harry Mnemonic Tom, Dick an...

Anterior ankle tendons (mnemonic)

A mnemonic that refers to the order of the anterior ankle tendons around the ankle is: Tom Hates Dick The mnemonic can be used to remember the order of the tendons from medial to lateral as they pass under the extensor retinaculum of the ankle.  Mnemonic T: tibialis anterior H: extensor hal...

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