Items tagged “cases”

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Syringobulbia is a rare entity and refers to a syrinx that extends into the medulla oblongata 1. Terminology Some authors use syringobulbia to refer to a syrinx present in any portion of the brainstem rather than specifically involving the medulla oblongata, and therefore encompassing syringop...

T sign (obstetrics)

The T sign is really the absence of a twin peak sign (or lambda (λ) sign) and is used in ultrasound assessment of a multifetal pregnancy. It refers to the lack of chorion extending between the layers of the intertwin membrane, denoting a monochorionic pregnancy. The intertwin membrane comes to ...

Facial nerve branches (mnemonic)

There are many mnemonics to recall the branches of the facial nerve (superior to inferior) as they exit the anterior border of the parotid gland. Examples include: Tall Zulus Bear Many Children Two Zebras Bit My Coccyx To Zanzibar By Motor Car Mnemonic T: temporal Z: zygomatic B: buccal ...

Tam o' Shanter sign (skull)

This imaging sign is named after the Tam o' Shanter, a Scottish hat, named after the character in Robert Burns's 1 poem of the same name. The appearances of advanced Paget disease of the skull are similar in appearance to the hat.  Paget involvement of the skull, with widening of the diploic sp...

Threatened miscarriage

Threatened miscarriage (or threatened abortion) is mainly a clinical term, used when a pregnant woman in first 20 weeks of gestation presents with spotting, mild abdominal pain and contractions, with a closed cervical os 3. Epidemiology It occurs in 20-25% of pregnancies and is associated with...

Differentiated thyroid cancer (staging)

Differentiated thyroid cancer staging refers to TNM staging of papillary thyroid cancer and follicular thyroid cancer. Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma and medullary thyroid carcinoma are staged separately. The following article reflects the 8th edition manual published by the American Joint Committ...

Thyroidea ima artery

The thyroidea ima artery is an uncommon variant of the blood supply to the inferior aspect of the thyroid gland. It is reported in ~7.5% (range 1.5-12.2%) of individuals and can arise from: brachiocephalic trunk (most common: 1.9-6.0%) right common carotid artery aortic arch internal thoraci...

Tracheal masses

The differential for tracheal masses can be rather wide. For a single mass consider: metastasis  direct invasion from adjacent organ (lung, thyroid, esophagus and larynx) distant metastasis (e.g. melanoma, breast, renal, and colon cancer)  primary neoplasms squamous cell carcinoma: commone...

Triangle of Guillain and Mollaret

The triangle of Guillain and Mollaret, also known as the dentatorubro-olivary pathway, has three corners 1: red nucleus inferior olivary nucleus contralateral dentate nucleus Rubro-olivary fibers descend from the parvocellular division of each red nucleus along the central tegmental tracts t...

Trochlear nerve

The trochlear nerve is the fourth (CN IV) and thinnest cranial nerve. It exits the midbrain posteriorly, eventually passes into the cavernous sinus and into the orbit where it supplies superior oblique muscle with motor fibers (TA: nervus trochlearis or nervus cranialis IV).  Gross anatomy Nuc...

Tubal ring sign

The tubal ring sign, also referred to as a bagel sign or blob sign, is one of the ultrasound signs of a tubal ectopic pregnancy. It comprises an echogenic ring that surrounds an unruptured ectopic pregnancy. It is said to have a 95% positive predictive value (PPV) for ectopic pregnancy. Differe...

Tuberculous otomastoiditis

Tuberculous otomastoiditis is an uncommon form of acute otomastoiditis that occurs secondary to tuberculosis infection, although its frequency is increasing as a result of greater population of immunocompromised patients. Clinical presentation Classically it is described as presenting with pa...

Turcot syndrome

Turcot syndrome is a polyposis syndrome. It is characterized by multiple colonic polyps and an increased risk of colon cancer and primary brain cancers. Epidemiology Turcot syndrome is a rare disease. Patients typically present in the second decade 3. Pathology Turcot syndrome is characteriz...


Ulegyria refers to a shrunken and flattened cortex usually due to global hypoxic ischemic injury in term infants, centering on the deepest portion of gyri, usually in the parasagittal region. It is here that perfusion is most tenuous and, therefore, most susceptible to ischemic damage 1. Clinic...

Unfused spinous process

Unfused spinous process, which is really failure of fusion of the neural arch, is a relatively common anatomical variant and is part of the spectrum of spina bifida occulta.  This should be differentiated from accessory ossicles of the spinous process, which appear after non-fusion of the secon...

Upper lobe bronchiectasis

Distribution of bronchiectasis can help in narrowing the differential diagnosis. Upper lobe bronchiectasis is typically seen in: cystic fibrosis tuberculosis Rarely it may be seen with non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection (e.g. MAC infection 2). Traction bronchiectasis in the upper lobes c...

Uteroplacental blood flow assessment

Uteroplacental blood flow assessment is an important part of fetal well-being assessment and evaluates Doppler flow in the uterine arteries and rarely the ovarian arteries. Pathology In a non-gravid state and at the very start of pregnancy the flow in the uterine artery is of high pulsatility ...

VACTERL association

VACTERL is an acronym that describes a non-random constellation of congenital anomalies. It is not a true syndrome as such and is equivalent to the VATER anomaly. Epidemiology The estimated incidence is 1 in 10,000-40,000 births 3. Associations Several conditions have features in common with...


Vasculitis describes generalized inflammation of vessels. Vasculitides carry a broad range of clinical presentations and as a whole can involve almost any organ system. Pathology Some vasculitides are due to direct vessel injury from an infectious agent. However, a large proportion show eviden...

Vertebral body squaring (differential)

Vertebral body squaring refers to the loss of normal concavity of the anterior border of the vertebral body. It is seen in a variety of conditions, some of which are listed below.  Differential diagnosis Ankylosing spondylitis Ankylosing spondylitis is the most common cause of vertebral body ...

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