Items tagged “placenta”

29 results found

Uteroplacental blood flow assessment

Uteroplacental blood flow assessment is an important part of fetal well-being assessment and evaluates Doppler flow in the uterine arteries and rarely the ovarian arteries. Pathology In a non-gravid state and at the very start of pregnancy the flow in the uterine artery is of high pulsatility ...

Circumvallate placenta

Circumvallate placenta refers to a variation in placental morphology in which, as a result of a small chorionic plate, the amnion and chorion fetal membranes ‘double back’ around the edge of the placenta. Epidemiology The prevalence is estimated to be around 1-7% 3. Pathology There is an inw...

Placental chorioangioma

Placental chorioangiomas are benign vascular tumors of placental origin. It is the most common tumor of the placenta and is usually found incidentally. Epidemiology The estimated incidence is at ~1% of all pregnancies 3. Associations Recognized associations include: hydrops fetalis: also li...

Placenta previa

  Diagnosis certain
The Radswiki
Published 20 Oct 2010
83% complete

Placenta previa

Placenta previa refers to an abnormally low lying placenta such that it lies close to, or covers the internal cervical os. It is a common cause of antepartum hemorrhage. Placenta previa is a potentially life-threatening condition for both mother and infant. As such, antenatal diagnosis is essen...

Placental abruption

Placental abruption (or abruptio placentae) refers to a premature separation of the normally implanted placenta after the 20th week of gestation and before the 3rd stage of labor. It is a potentially fatal complication of pregnancy and a significant cause of third-trimester bleeding/antepartum h...

Vasa previa

Vasa previa refers to a situation where there are aberrant fetal vessels crossing over or in close proximity to the internal cervical os, ahead of the fetal presenting part. These vessels are within the amniotic membranes, without the support of the placenta. Vasa previa is a rare but potentiall...

Succenturiate lobe

A succenturiate lobe is a variation in placental morphology and refers to a smaller accessory placental lobe that is separate to the main disc of the placenta. There can be more than one succenturiate lobe. Epidemiology The estimated incidence is ~2 per 1000 pregnancies. Risk factors Some au...

Variation in placental morphology

There can be several variations in placental morphology. These include: single lobed discoid placenta (single disc): most common scenario bilobed placenta: two near equal size lobes succenturiate lobe(s): one or more smaller accessory lobes circumvallate placenta: rolled placental edges with...

Placenta accreta

Placenta accreta is both the general term applied to abnormal placental adherence and also the condition seen at the milder end of the spectrum of abnormal placental adherence (placenta accreta spectrum disorders). This article focuses on the second, more specific definition. In a placenta accr...

Differential diagnosis for PV bleeding in pregnancy

Per vaginal (PV) bleeding during pregnancy is a common clinical presentation that often necessitates obstetric ultrasound for the assessment of the hemorrhage, and of fetal well being. The potential causes vary with the stage of gestation. Bleeding in the first trimester miscarriage threaten...

Succenturiate lobe of placenta

  Diagnosis almost certain
Alexandra Stanislavsky
Published 12 Apr 2011
72% complete

Placental lake

Placental (venous) lakes refer to a phenomenon of formation of hypoechoic cystic spaces centrally within the placenta. Finding placental lakes during a second trimester ultrasound scan is not associated with any uteroplacental complication or with an adverse pregnancy outcome. They can, however,...

Velamentous cord insertion

Velamentous cord insertion is a type of abnormal umbilical cord insertion into the placenta. Epidemiology The estimated incidence is ~1% in singleton and 9-15% in twin pregnancies, respectively 11. It is also more common in placenta previa than in normally located placentas. The prevalence may...

Marginal cord insertion

Marginal cord insertion, also known as a 'battledore insertion', is a type of abnormal cord insertion. Terminology Insertion of the umbilical cord within <2 cm from the placental margin is described as marginal cord insertion (usually defined as <2 cm 5, although some references define it as <...

Placenta increta

Placenta increta is an intermediate level in the placenta accreta spectrum disorders and accounts for ~20% of such cases. The placental villi extend beyond the confines of the endometrium and invade the myometrium but do not reach the uterine serosa.  The ends of the spectrum of abnormal placen...

Placental abruption

  Diagnosis almost certain
Andrew Dixon
Published 12 Jul 2011
66% complete

Placenta previa and accreta

  Diagnosis almost certain
Hani Makky Al Salam
Published 20 Jul 2011
80% complete

Vasa previa

  Diagnosis almost certain
Maulik S Patel
Published 10 Feb 2013
69% complete


The placenta is a fetal organ of pregnancy, responsible for providing nutrition and oxygen to the fetus as well as excretory functions.  Embryology Placenta is formed from fetal and maternal components 2: maternal component: decidua placentalis is the inner portion of the placenta, which is f...

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