Items tagged “screening”

10 results found

Antenatal screening

Antenatal screening and diagnosis are available for a few selected genetic conditions, including trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edward syndrome), trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) and neural tube defects. For an overview of the conditions and their manifestations, please refer to the specifi...


Lung-RADS (Lung Imaging Reporting and Data System), is a classification proposed to aid with findings in low-dose CT screening exams for lung cancer. The goal of the classification system is to standardize follow-up and management decisions. The system is similar to the Fleischner criteria but d...

Hepatocellular carcinoma (surveillance)

Hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance programs have been adopted by some health systems in attempts to effect an early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in high-risk populations.  Rationale The idea behind hepatocellular carcinoma screening, as with any screening program, is to detect clin...

Gynecologic Imaging-Reporting and Data System (GI-RADS)

The Gynecologic Imaging-Reporting and Data System (GI-RADS) is a reporting system that was created for reporting the findings in adnexal masses based on transvaginal ultrasonography. Classification Findings are classified into five categories 1: GI-RADS 1 normal ovaries identified and no adn...

Prostate-seminal vesicle angle (TRUS)

  Diagnosis not applicable
Gustavo Graco
Published 12 May 2020
60% complete
Annotated image

Red flags of low back pain (mnemonic)

Low back pain is a very common condition among primary care patients. Most patients have nonspecific low back pain (85-90%) and would have unremarkable radiographs. The purpose of the red flags is to aid in the recommendation for imaging of the spine. A mnemonic to remember the red flags of low ...

Screening and screening biases

  Diagnosis not applicable
Stefan Tigges
Published 09 Oct 2023
50% complete

Breast calcifications - BI RADS 2

  Diagnosis almost certain
Kevan English
Published 20 Nov 2023
79% complete

Risk ratio vs rate ratio vs odds ratio

Risk ratios, rate ratios and odds ratios are 3 different measures of association between an exposure and a disease or other health outcome1-3. Risk ratios and rate ratios are derived from randomized trials or cohort studies while odds ratios are calculated from case-control studies. Risk ratios...

Number needed to screen

The number needed to screen (NNS) is the number of patients that need to undergo screening to prevent one death by the disease being screened for1,2. The number is calculated by taking the reciprocal of the absolute risk reduction as follows: calculate the risk (probability) of death from the d...

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