Items tagged “snippet”

137 results found

Normal facial nerve enhancement on MRI

The normal facial nerve (CN VII) can demonstrate some enhancement post gadolinium, with the prevalence of which segments is highly variable depending on the MRI sequence 4-8. Enhancement may be asymmetric 4-6. It has been attributed to the circumneural facial arteriovenous plexus.c Typical site...

Angiosarcoma (bone)

Angiosarcoma of bone is a malignant vascular bone tumor. These are rare and account for <1% of malignant bone tumors. The majority of these tumors arising in bone are primary; however, a tiny percentage are either radiation-induced or associated with bone infarction. Epidemiology Most common i...

Reviewing edits

Reviewing edits on Radiopaedia is paramount to ensuring that our content is relevant and of high quality. This page is mostly useful for editors of the site but may be helpful for general users to gain an insight into what happens behind the scenes at Radiopaedia. Edits Whenever an edit is ma...

Facet joint arthropathy

Facet joint arthropathy/arthrosis is a common cause of low back pain and is most commonly due to osteoarthritis. It occurs from facet joint chondral loss, osteophyte formation and hypertrophy of the articular processes that may cause spinal canal stenosis in severe cases. Facet joint arthropath...

Gruberi bursa

The Gruberi bursa, or the bursa mucosa of Gruberi, is a bursa located in the dorsal region of the ankle that extends from the sinus tarsi and along the frondiform ligament to surround extensor digitorum longus tendons.  Terminology Defined as the bursa that lines the inferior extensor retinacu...

High-riding brachiocephalic artery

A high-riding brachiocephalic artery is a rare variant of the neck vessels in which the brachiocephalic artery passes much more superiorly than normally. It is a clinically important variant, as mistaking it for a neck lump and sampling it or neck surgery in the region may cause a devastating he...

Subchondral fracture

A subchondral fracture is a fracture of the trabecular cancellous bone just beneath the subchondral bone plate without disruption of the articular surface 1. Epidemiology Subchondral insufficiency fractures are more common in elderly women 1,4,6. Subchondral fractures due to trauma can occur a...

Germinal matrix

The germinal matrix is an embryological structure in the fetal brain which is only seen in the fetus and in premature neonates. It is the most vulnerable area of the fetal brain and associated pathology carries significant mortality and morbidity.  Gross anatomy  The germinal matrix is usually...


Mediastinitis refers to inflammation of any of the soft tissues within the mediastinum.  Terminology In clinical practice, mediastinitis is generally used to refer to acute mediastinitis, resulting from bacterial infection within the mediastinum. This is considered a serious and potentially li...

Trochlear facet asymmetry

Trochlear facet asymmetry (FA) refers to the condition of the medial facet being abnormally small if compared to the lateral facet in trochlear dysplasia 1. Usage Facet asymmetry is also used as a measurement in magnet resonance imaging for trochlear dysplasia to make it more objective 1-3, th...

Ventral trochlear prominence

Ventral trochlear prominence (VTP) describes and measures the bony surplus in the anterior femoral surface at the most superior or proximal aspect of the trochlea. Usage Ventral trochlear prominence is used for the assessment of trochlear dysplasia, a risk factor for patellofemoral instability...

Posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament

The distal posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL) is a strong ligament of the tibiofibular syndesmosis. Gross anatomy The posterior tibiofibular ligament is formed of multiple collagen bundles with interposed fatty tissue and courses obliquely downward from the posterior distal tibia...

Cardiac tissue characterization

Cardiac tissue characterization is a term for an approach in cardiac imaging used for the evaluation of the myocardial tissue in respect to its inherent properties as opposed to cardiac function e.g. in cine or strain imaging. In cardiac magnetic resonance imaging tissue characterization typica...

Palmar ulna bursa

The palmar ulna bursa is one of the bursae in the palmar surface of the hand. Gross anatomy The palmar ulnar bursa is usually the larger bursa and encases the majority of the flexor tendons. It typically originates at the level of the pronator quadratus muscle and continues distally to approxi...

Pixel shift (reregistration)

Pixel shift or reregistration is a post-processing technique used to improve misregistration artifact in digital subtraction angiography, where two images to be subtracted are spatially realigned with respect to one another, by shifting pixels vertically, horizontally or obliquely.  Pixel shift...

Staghorn pattern of vascularity

The staghorn pattern of vascularity is a pathological term describing a pattern of vascularity seen on low-power light microscopy. It is defined by multiple thin-walled, sharply-branched and jagged vessels having an "antler-like" or "staghorn-like" appearance 1. It is classically described with...

Medial collateral ligament bursa

The medial collateral ligament bursa is one of the bursae of the knee with the shape of a vertically expanding compartment located between the superficial and deep portions of the medial collateral ligament 1-5. The bursa is usually located in the middle third of the knee, with the anterior marg...

Sinuvertebral nerve

The sinuvertebral nerve, also known as the recurrent meningeal nerve, or the recurrent nerve of Luschka, is a branch of the primary ventral ramus and grey ramus communicans in the intervertebral foramen. It enters the spinal canal and supplies the posterior portion of the annulus of the interver...

Phantom organ sign

The phantom organ sign is a term used when a large mass arises from a small organ and as a consequence, it is impossible to detect the affected organ. The identification of this sign and other radiological signs such as the embedded organ sign, beak sign, and prominent feeding artery sign on CT...

Subacromial-subdeltoid bursitis

Subacromial-subdeltoid bursitis refers to the inflammation of the subacromial-subdeltoid bursa and is a common cause of shoulder pain. Epidemiology It is quite common and one of the main causes of shoulder pain 1-4. Incidence increases with age. It is frequently seen in people with overhead ac...

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