Items tagged “wrist”

200 results found

Mayfield classification of carpal instability (perilunate instability)

Mayfield classification of carpal instability, also known as perilunate instability classification (carpal dislocations), describes carpal ligament injuries.  Instability has been divided into four stages 1-2: stage I: scapholunate dissociation (rotatory subluxation of the scaphoid) disruptio...

Colles fracture

Colles fractures are very common extra-articular fractures of the distal radius that occur as the result of a fall onto an outstretched hand. They consist of a fracture of the distal radial metaphyseal region with dorsal angulation and impaction, but without the involvement of the articular surf...

Scaphoid fracture

Scaphoid fractures (i.e. fractures through the scaphoid bone) are common, in some instances can be difficult to diagnose, and can result in significant functional impairment. Epidemiology Scaphoid fractures account for 70-80% of all carpal bone fractures 1. Although they occur essentially at a...

Palmer classification of TFCC abnormalities

Palmer classification for triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) abnormalities is based on the cause, location, and degree of injury 1: Class 1 - traumatic injury a: central perforation of the triangular fibrocartilage (TFC) disc proper b: ulnar avulsion with or without distal ulnar fractur...

Dorsal intercalated segment instability

  Diagnosis almost certain
Frank Gaillard
Published 22 Sep 2009
59% complete

Dupuytren contracture

  Diagnosis certain
Frank Gaillard
Published 07 Nov 2009
57% complete

Scaphoid fracture - undisplaced

  Diagnosis certain
Frank Gaillard
Published 18 Nov 2009
66% complete

Carpal tunnel syndrome

  Diagnosis almost certain
Frank Gaillard
Published 16 Jan 2010
63% complete

Buckle fracture

  Diagnosis certain
Frank Gaillard
Published 02 Feb 2010
66% complete

Distal radial and ulnar fractures

  Diagnosis certain
Frank Gaillard
Published 07 Feb 2010
60% complete

Giant cell tumor

  Diagnosis certain
Hani Makky Al Salam
Published 25 Feb 2010
92% complete
X-ray MRI Nuclear medicine

Radial styloid fracture

  Diagnosis certain
Jeremy Jones
Published 01 Mar 2010
66% complete

Rickets - active

  Diagnosis probable
Hani Makky Al Salam
Published 12 Mar 2010
41% complete

Chauffeur fracture

Chauffeur fractures (also known as Hutchinson fractures or backfire fractures) are intra-articular fractures of the radial styloid process. The radial styloid is within the fracture fragment, although the fragment can vary markedly in size. Pathology Mechanism These injuries are sustained eit...

Dorsal intercalated segment instability

Dorsal intercalated segment instability (DISI) is a form of carpal instability featuring dorsal tilt of the lunate. It occurs mainly after the disruption of the scapholunate ligament and is more often encountered than volar intercalated segment instability (VISI). Clinical presentation radial ...

Ulnar impaction syndrome

Ulnar impaction syndrome, also known as ulnar abutment or ulnocarpal impaction or loading, is a painful degenerative wrist condition caused by the ulnar head impacting upon the ulnar-sided carpus with the injury to the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC). Differentiation from ulnar impinge...

Ulnar impingement syndrome

Ulnar impingement syndrome is a wrist condition caused by a shortened distal ulna impinging on the distal radius proximal to the sigmoid notch. The syndrome is distinct from ulnar impaction syndrome, which typically occurs due to a long ulna (positive ulnar variance) impacting upon the triangula...

Ulnar styloid impaction syndrome

Ulnar styloid impaction syndrome refers to wrist pain due to a long ulnar styloid process impacting upon the triquetral bone. Pathology An ulnar styloid >6 mm in length is commonly regarded as being long. Impaction results in chondromalacia of the opposing articular surfaces, i.e. the proximal...

Ulnar-sided wrist impaction and impingement syndromes

There are several distinct ulnar-sided wrist impaction and impingement syndromes. Underlying anatomical causes exist for each syndrome, however, repetitive or excessive use of the forearm and wrist can also contribute. ulnar impaction syndrome: positive ulnar variance ulnar impingement syndrom...

Ulnar impaction syndrome

  Diagnosis certain
Andrew Dixon
Published 29 May 2010
92% complete

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