Procedure: Laparoscopic right partial nephrectomy.

Gross Description: Specimen submitted in one container in formalin, labelled as right renal mass.  The specimen comprises perirenal fat and a small cystic mass. The perirenal fat measures 3 x 4 x 2 cm and weighs 15 grams. The small cystic mass measures 1.8 x 1.5 x 1.0 cm. The cystic mass on slicing shows a smooth walled cyst containing clear fluid. On careful inspection, the perirenal fat shows no localized nodularity or other identifiable pathology.  No adrenal gland is grossly identified. 

Histopathological diagnosis: Multilocular cystic renal neoplasm of low malignant potential (previously known as multilocular clear cell renal cell carcinoma). Fuhrman nuclear grade: Grade 1. Renal parenchyma excision margins: Clear. Negative for renal capsular invasion (renal capsule is attenuated but not breached). Renal vascular invasion: Not identified. Negative for perirenal fat invasion.
