CT coronary angiogram - normal

Case contributed by Benjamin Li Shun Chan
Diagnosis certain


Chest pain, shortness of breath, and subjective palpitations.

Patient Data

Age: 20 years
Gender: Male

Coronary angiogram


The aortic valve is tricuspid.

Coronary Arteries: There is left coronary artery dominance
Coronary arteries are in normal positions and the main arteries have normal courses.

Left Main: Moderate size vessel with no significant stenosis or occlusions observed.

Left Anterior Descending: Large vessel with no atheroma appreciated

Left Circumflex: Moderate size with no atheroma appreciated

Right coronary Artery: Small caliber that is the non-dominant vessel

Non Coronary findings:
Possible small patent foramen ovale noted.
No pericardial effusion
No valve calcification
Great vessels unremarkable.
Chambers not enlarged.

Non-Cardiac Findings: Nil

Conclusion: No coronary stenosis or atheroma is appreciated. Coronary artery circulation follows a normal pattern with no anomalous circulation. Possible patent foramen ovale is appreciated.

Case Discussion

Example of a CT coronary angiogram with left coronary dominance no coronary artery findings although a suspected patent foramen ovale was confirmed on echocardiography.

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