Ileal atresia

Case contributed by Ammar Ashraf
Diagnosis certain


Term baby with abdominal distension and no passage of meconium. History of an abnormal antenatal scan.

Patient Data

Age: Newborn
Gender: Male

Day 1


Gas in the stomach and mildly prominent proximal small bowel loops with no gas in the distal bowel/colon. No pneumoperitoneum is seen.

Day 2


Multiple gas-filled dilated small loops; an interval increase is noted in the bowel dilatation when compared with the previous study. Still, no gas is seen in the distal bowel/colon.

Antenatal ultrasound


Multiple prominent fluid-filled small bowel loops. Approximately 5 weeks discrepancy was noted between the biparietal diameter (BPD) and femur length (FL). Normal amniotic fluid index (AFI) and normal Doppler ultrasound of the umbilical and middle cerebral arteries.

Histopathology report


Histopathology of the resected bowel (ileum) showing intestinal atresia (type 3).

Case Discussion

  • The patient underwent laparotomy.

  • Operation notes: distal Ileal atresia (exact site not mentioned in the notes). No bowel perforation was seen. The affected segment was resected with primary anastomosis and the histopathology of the resected bowel showed intestinal atresia (type 3).

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