Intracranial metastasis with mass-effect and renal osteodystrophy

Case contributed by Bálint Botz
Diagnosis almost certain


Uncharacterized primary lung malignancy (refused further workup). On long term hemodialysis. Right-sided hemiparesis that gradually developed. Associated slurred speech and aphasia. Somnolent. ?IC metastasis

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Female

STAT CT brain without contrast (end-stage CKD, imaging appearance pathognomonic on wet read, thus no IV contrast was adminitered):

Five years earlier prior study shows the earlier status, osteodystrophy was already present, also note the pathognomonic salt and pepper appearance.

Case Discussion

Typical imaging appearance of a solitary intracranial metastasis from a lung primary, with significant associated mass effect. If scrutinized carefully, even noncontrast CT brain can provide considerable amount of information. Renal osteodystrophy is incidental and associated with long-term HD.

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